Most Holy God, I awoke this morning with a song in my heart. One that focused on You and how much You mean to me. Next, I took time to pray because it seemed the right thing to do. I praised You for Your goodness … I asked You to protect me and guide me throughout my day … I implored You to watch over my family and friends … and, I pleaded for the healing of all of those who I knew were sick or hurting. I ate my breakfast and looked upon the nice place you’d given me to live and, all of a sudden, I knew it was going to be a great day to be alive. I then made a few phone calls, some to friends/family I had not talked to for a while. It was great to hear their voices and I reflected on how blessed I am to have these people in my life … the people at church I minister with … my neighbors who are so friendly … my family who made me feel cherished. And I wonder why it’s been so long since we last talked.
Like a farmer, I’ve sewn a lot of seed in my life. I know some has fallen on good ground because I can see them producing good fruit. But when my beliefs have been shallow and my actions not well thought through, I’ve seen my opportunities to reap blessings plucked out from under my eyes. When I’ve embarked on something I knew You wanted me to do, sometimes I’ve gotten all tangled up in the circumstances and my selfish desires and I’ve watched those opportunities wither before me. I’ve also seen Your promises choked out of my life when I failed to deal with tests and trials appropriately. But you know what, I’ve never given up and I am thrilled when You reach out to help me recover. I’m thankful for the fact You never give up on me and are always endeavoring to help me understand the truths that will lead me to Your blessings. Yep, I can’t help but think … it’s a great day to be alive.
I’ve seen my share of hard times … in my life … in the lives of others … and the way my country is heading. But within my heart, I have this never-ending hope that continually reassures me that everything will work out in time. When I feel myself falling outside of Your will, I’ve taught myself to call out … and sure enough, You are always there. Whenever I start to feel alone, I look up at the vast array of stars and I’m reminded that I’m never really alone. My family is there for me … my friends are there for me … and best of all, You are there for me. Whenever I think of You, I am filled with the warmth of Your light and love. Whether I gaze upon a forest, field, mountain or seashore, I am reminded of Your awesome power and creativity. And it’s at those times that I say to myself “what a great day this is to be alive.” And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
Genesis 1:31 God saw all that He had made, and it was very good. And there was evening, and there was morning … the sixth day.