A Life Spent Living For You

Most Beloved Savior, I have come to realize that my greatest calling in life is to bring glory to You.  My devotion to You must become the most important thing in my life and I must strive to become a mirror of Your love and goodness.  I must become a good steward of everything You give me and be willing to share it freely and generously with others.  I must acknowledge that everything I possess comes from You and Your expectation is that I will use it all for Your glory … whether it is my time, my talents or my resources.  I know that I can count on the fact that You will repay me richly for the things I do out of love and unselfishness.  I should arrange my life in a way that enables me to respond promptly each time You call.  As You pour into my life … I must be ready and willing to pour into the lives of others.  As I align my life with the way You expect, I know it will be more fulfilling.

I desire, with all of my being, to become a living ceremony expressing my great love and devotion to You.  Open my mind so that I can, without reservation, process the things You make known to me.  Open my eyes so that I clearly see Your truths and recognize the deceptions of my enemy.  Open my ears so that I can hear and take in all that You have to say.  Open my heart so that I can learn to love unconditionally the way You do.  Move my feet so that I can follow in Your footsteps and be about the work of Your Kingdom.  I believe that if my heart is sound and I am informed, I will be prepared to do all You ask of me.  I am truly thankful that Your presence is always with me … Your eyes follow me wherever I go … Your arms are extended to catch me whenever I start to stumble … and Your heart is closely connected to mine.  Help me make choices to live for You because You are always enough.

Living for You means that I must be willing to change and adapt.  The road to living for You starts with my being able to surrender to You.  Selfishness can have no place in the “new me” and submission to Your will must become a priority … not my will but Yours.  I can never forget that my sure foundation is You and I must build my life on it.  To submit is another important factor in living for You.  It means that I must obey … unquestioning and immediate.  To submit means I place Your will as my top priority and trust that what You ask is right and true.  And finally, I must be willing to take up my cross and follow You.  I must, willingly and joyfully, accept my calling and do it energetically … just the way You would.  Living for You is a challenge, but not one I cannot attain … for You said “all things are possible”.  Therefore, I commit my life to living for You.  And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray.  AMEN!!

Matthew 16:24 Then Jesus said to His disciples, “If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself, take up his cross and follow me.”

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