Praise to You, O Wondrous and Majestic King, for I rejoice in the fact You’ve given me this day to live for You. I have chosen to live it free from agitation and worry and, instead, live it in celebration of who You are to me. As Your child, I should always be able to see my glass half full and live in a state of hope regardless of what is going on around me. With You as My Lord and Savior, every day is a day to rejoice and give thanks. Joy is the gift You send to me through my reading of Your Word. I sometimes forget to celebrate the gift of my day, but I know it is a priceless gift for which I must always be thankful … whether I remember to say it or not. Today, as I am filled with Your joy, I will show it by putting a smile on my face, speaking kind words to whoever I meet, being generous (knowing it is better to give than to receive) and encouraging others. My hope is that my joy will be contagious and others will join me in celebrating a relationship with You. I am thankful for Your love, instruction and promises You’ve made to me.
My battle cry has become … “Rejoice in the Lord always” … and I will repeat it to myself, You and whoever will listen. You alone have the power to turn my sorrow into rejoicing and my mourning into joy … if only I will let You. As I learn how to serve You, my days will be filled with prosperity and contentment. As Your child, I must convey to others that You are the source of every good thing … strength, joy, contentment, peace, loving service, a forgiving heart and acceptance. I have come to believe that happiness is nothing more than seeing things from Your perspective. I know that my heart will begin to celebrate when I am willing to obey Your commands and trust You to do the things You have promised. My sense of satisfaction, fulfillment and safety increase, no matter what my circumstance, if I am at the center of Your will.
Each day I can celebrate because I am given the opportunity to place myself in the service of The One who is the giver of life. As I focus on Your love and promises, I find myself celebrating the life You’ve given me and wanting to share it with others. I believe with all my heart that You are a giver and You want me to become a giver so that others might experience the joy of receiving an unexpected gift. I know that as I eliminate my inner conflicts, bad attitudes and experience true remorse for my sins … peace, joy and contentment will reign in my heart. It is my thoughts, not my circumstances, that determine my happiness … so my thoughts must be focused on You and Your Word. I know that as long as I have You in my life, it will be worth celebrating. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
Philippians 4:4 Rejoice in the Lord always. And again I say rejoice.