Most Caring Lord, it is natural for humans beings to think their ways are better than Yours. Intellectual pride, rationalizations, and prejudices keep them from You. I’m not surprised that people cannot grasp the truths contained in the Gospels because of all the misinformation promulgated in the world. The Gospels seem foolish to those who forsake faith and rely on their own understanding. I hope people can see the difference between Christians by the way they live. I am a child of Your light. That light helps me see truths better and helps other Believers see better so they can act appropriately. You have called all men to leave behind their old life of sin and I am glad I took advantage of Your call. I am realizing that living as a Christian is a process and does not just happen. And although I have been given a “new nature”, I do not automatically think all good thoughts and express correct attitudes.
If I take the time to listen to what You are telling me, I know I’ll be changing over time. As I look back over my past, I can see a progression in my thoughts, attitudes and actions. Although change may come slowly, it can be expedited if I trust You to change me. I am beginning to see my old ways of life fading in my memory as I have committed more of myself to You for cleansing. I acknowledge that the old me is dead and a new me has emerged as my belief in You has taken control of it. My previous life has become like old clothes that I’ve thrown away. Accepting You as a part of my life has gained me the best gift of all … my eternal salvation. I am appreciative of Your working with me to drive my selfish desires and impulses out of my life. I have assumed a new role, headed my life in a new direction and developed a whole new way of thinking.
As someone who has turned his life over to You, my thoughts, emotions and actions need to be turned over to the guidance of the Holy Spirit. I can no longer lie because it causes conflict and destroys trust. In dealing with my anger, it is important to learn how to deal with it properly. Anger hurts others and destroys relationships. By my inappropriate actions I grieve the Holy Spirit and push Him away. I must be open to forgiveness since I am expecting You to forgive me. The measure to which I will be forgiven is directly in proportion to the forgiveness I give to others. I must keep in mind that my forgiveness is an act of mercy by You which I do not deserve. As I contemplate the mercy You give, I will begin to change to be more like You. Change is a hard thing Lord, but I know that with the help of the Holy Spirit I can do it. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
II Corinthians 10:5 We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make if obedient to Christ.