O Precious Lord, I know that everything is beautiful in its time … and everything has a purpose. Many good things have happened for which I have never rejoiced and bad things have happened that I did not even notice. Yet I know they have all contributed to who I am. You have allowed trials to come into my life so that I can see both my weaknesses and strengths … so I could be purged of my imperfections … and, so I would take notice of the blessings You provide. I have come to know that there is nothing more fulfilling than to heed Your call … labor in Your fields … enjoy the work … and, be a part of the harvest. I know that everything I do will fall under the scrutiny of Your watchful eyes and You will call me to judgment and justice before Your throne.
My greatest hope is that I will find contentment with my life and do good while I live. I know that everything You do, endures forever and nothing anyone can do will either add to it or subtract from it. The fact that You have given me life and allowed me to toil on this earth is a blessing and a gift. I have come to understand that the real peace that I seek comes from discovering, accepting and appreciating Your perfect timing. I never want to doubt or resent how or when You act in my life. You have helped me see that my ability to find satisfaction with my life depends on my attitude toward You and the future. I become dissatisfied when I lose the sense of purpose You have for me.
I take joy in my daily cross as I remember … that it is You who gave it to me … that my reward will come from accepting it and carrying it … and, that it is my way of submitting to You leadership. I have come to understand that You have put the goal of eternity within me and that means I can never be completely satisfied with earthly pleasures and pursuits. Because I am formed in Your image … I will always hunger and thirst for more of You … I will always be called to a higher set of standards … and, nothing on this earth can ever truly satisfy me. Because You have given me glimpses of what is possible, I will trust You and do whatever You ask me to do. I have decided that accepting Your will for my life and reverencing You by becoming the best “living sacrifices” I can be will show You my gratitude for Your love and mercy. You are my everlasting hope and I know there is a time for everything in my life, so come live it with me. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
Ecclesiastes 3:1 There is a time for everything and a season for every activity under Heaven … see verses 2-8 for an elaboration of those activities.