Acting On Your Word

O Most High God, I am so glad that You chose to come down to earth to redeem me and plant within me the seed of Your Word.  As a result of Your visitation, Your Word has become near and dear to my heart.  As I believe and act on it, it goes about accomplishing Your will.  As I accept it as my own, it comforts and guides me.  It’s the Word of Faith on which I take my stand each day.  As I read Your Word, I hear Your gentle voice speaking to me.  As I reflect on Your Word, it gives me a testimony as to who You are … it opens my eyes to see the truths You want revealed to me … and, it motivates me to be about “my Father’s” work.  I know that as I grow in faith and learn to trust You, You will never let me be put to shame.  Your Word is trustworthy because You and Your Word are one … unchangeable … and, everlasting.  When I believe what Your Word tells me and I walk in it, I reap the fruit of its promises.

When You came to live among men, You came to serve as an example.  And when You died and rose again, You opened the door to forgiveness and freedom.  Because of Your loving sacrifice, I know that You will come to my aid any time I have a need.  Because of Your living example and Your road map for my success (Your Word), I am able to respond to Your calling and walk uprightly.  I sometimes think that following You is complicated, but it’s not:  First, I must believe that You are the Son of God who suffered and died so that I could be saved; next, I must familiarize myself with Your Word to begin the process of renewing my mind so I can understand and walk in Your ways;  after that, I must make time to meditate and pray so that I can open up lines of communication with You; and finally, I must start living out Your Word under the leadership of the Holy Spirit.  Then I will feel my life is beginning to be filled with holiness and I will see victories start to pile up on my doorstep.

You have instructed me to not only be a hearer of Your Word, but a doer.  This encourages me to put into action the things I’ve learned from Your Word.  I must begin getting outside of myself and start caring for the needs of others.  It means being faithful to the things You require of me.  It means giving up the things that please me and begin striving to do the things that please You and benefit those You have placed in my life.  When others let me down or circumstances take a turn for the worst, I must always remember that You never let me down and Your provision is always enough.  My belief in Your truths will cause me to persevere until my task is accomplished because I have the confidence that You will always hold up Your end of the bargain.  I know that You will respond to my call when I walk in accordance with Your Word.  And, when I act on Your Word, my outcomes turn out for the best.  And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray.  AMEN!!

James 1:22 Do not merely listen to the Word, and so deceive yourselves.  Do what it says.

Luke 11:28 He replied, “Blessed, rather, are those who hear the Word of God and obey it.

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