All I Want is More of You

O Beloved Creator, I praise You for the favors and blessings You’ve bestowed upon me as Your child.  In order to give myself to You, I have had to accept Your discipline and instruction.  I have come to know You through Your Word and life’s experiences which have shown me that You are loving and trustworthy.  I now understand that Your Word and the Holy Spirit were given to guide me and show me how to live a better life.  As a result of following Your leading, I have learned how to make better decisions and see my way more clearly.  I will strive to respond positively to Your reproof and teachings.  I will endeavor to internalize Your words and obey Your commands.  I will not be ashamed of the Gospel and I will share the Good News it contains with everyone I meet.  I will never undertake any actions concerning my life without first seeking Your counsel so I can avoid the pitfall of going my own way.  Even when things go smoothly, help me be sensitive for the deceptions that are poised to lead me astray.  I know that if I obey You, You will protect me from evil and harm.

Though I face many trials, I trust that no harm will come to me if I cling to You and Your promises.  As I come to understand Your Word more fully, I will be able to make better choices and my life will be freed from the storms I routinely face.  As one who is prudent, I will use Your Word as a map for my life.  Train me in the things I need to know in order to prosper and walk uprightly.  Help me share what I have learned with others struggling with their lives.  I find great comfort in the knowledge that when the sun rises each day, You will be there waiting for me.  Help me realize that You formed me in Your image with a desire that I would come to know, love and serve You.  Help me understand that I can become no better than what I allow You to do in my life.  I know it is Your hands that formed and molded me into the person I am to become.  Help me discern evil from good… darkness from light… and death from life, so that I might experience more peace and joy.

I will do my very best, with Your help, to both observe and do Your good pleasure.  As You share Yourself and Your blessings with me, I know I will progress in righteousness and good works.  As I seek and toil to gain wisdom, I believe You will fill me with the rewards of my efforts.  I will strive to allow no place in my life where the enemy might form a stronghold to throw me off-course and hold me back.  I have built my life on the Rock of My Salvation and I am assured that goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life.  All that is seek is more of You so that I can become more like You.  And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray.  AMEN!!

Matthew 5:6 Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.

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