An Attitude of Gratitude

Most Blessed Savior, I struggle to find the words that adequately express the gratitude I have within my heart for the many things You have done for me. Chief of all things is Your gift of eternal life. In the gift is wrapped forgiveness for my sins (along with the removal of all the penalties due for them), a life after death and the power to resist the temptations of sin. I am thankful that You helped me come to grips with the fact that I was powerless to stand against the forces of evil and sin on my own. Had it not been so, I would have had no need for a Savior. However, through Your gift of faith, I am endued with Your power to resist sin that so easily in the past overcame my weak flesh. You are my gateway to all that is just, pure, and holy. If I dare to follow in Your footsteps, my life will be full and complete. You have given to me the measure of faith. What I do with it has an eternal effect on my life.

Each day that I live my desire is to be holy as You are holy. To live a righteous life filled with purity, selflessness and good works is my greatest aspiration. I realize that what can be rests in turning myself over to You for guidance and supervision. When You departed from the earth, You left me the best gift I could have, excepting Yourself. In the same way that a parent is inclined to give good gifts to their children, how much more is Your desire to give good gifts to Your children. That desire was shown in the giving of the gift of the Holy Spirit … Your request was that I ask for it. I know He can be counted on to teach me all I need to know to become more like You and resist the temptations of the Devil. As I study and meditate on Your word, I am convinced that the Holy Spirit will make Your intent clear and show me a better way to live. He will help change my perspective into Your perspective.

There are more things for which I am also grateful. My list would fill pages, but I will focus on the ones that mean the most to me. Through my spouse You have given me an earthly companion and someone who adds balance to my life. In my children You have given me a treasure chest into which I can place a love for You, family, and country. Through my job You have provided me with a livelihood for myself and those I love. Being born in the USA has provided me with a home where I have freedom and the opportunity to be all I can be. Through the Word, I have been given a map to Heaven, a good life, and blessings without measure. In Your church I have been joined with other believers to form a place for You to dwell. Through Your mercy and grace, I’ve been given opportunities to begin anew. It is for all these reasons that I am filled with an attitude of gratitude. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!

Psalm 100:5 For the Lord is good and His love endures forever; His faithfulness continues through all generations.

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