Most Wondrous Lord, You have told me that You are the Door I must enter into if I am to experience salvation and the other gifts that await me. Through You, I have been given an abundance of riches and fullness of life. By Your open door, my life has been flooded with forgiveness, love and guidance. As my Guarantor, You have committed Yourself to me and assured me of Your loving devotion. I must never forget that the path leading to Heaven is narrow … and the way into Hell is wide. It is not hard to choose to enter into the wondrous bounties of Heaven, but there is only one way!! I cannot lose sight of the fact that entering the gateway You provide is not simply a matter of saying a few words, but involves a commitment to live my life in accordance with Your wishes and ways. The call of salvation requires a more concerted effort than many want to put forward. Show me the way to live out that calling.
Help me resist complacency and taking You for granted. When You knock at the door of my heart, I do not want to be caught busy enjoying worldly pleasures and miss out on Your urging or cautioning about the things I will face in my life. The pleasures of the world … money, security, power, prestige and material things … can all become an impediment to my hearing Your knock. It is the temporary gratification that they offer which make me indifferent to hearing You. In my carefree state of mind, I shut You out of my life. If I stay focused on You, I won’t have to worry about missing Your knock. Opening my heart and letting You in is the only way I can find lasting fulfillment. Your knocking is my calling to a higher place and provides me with a base upon which I can build my life. I am touched by Your persistence and patience in reaching out to me. Help me never choose to lock You out.
The Book of Revelation tells me that You are the one who holds the key to my future. Once You have opened the Door to me … through Your suffering, death, burial and resurrection … it cannot be closed. My salvation and all of Your promises are assured. You, O Lord, know all of my thoughts and deeds. And, though at times I find myself weak and I succumb to sin, I know that when I repent, begin striving again to live for You, live in accordance with Your ways and keep the faith … I am assured of a place with You in eternity. All of Your children have been given different gifts, abilities, experiences and maturity. In Your wisdom, You understand that we are all different and act in different ways. You encourage me to “hang on” to who I am through You. That is why, as You open the Door of Heaven to me, I must like-wise open the door of my heart to You. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
Revelation 3:20 Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and him with me.