Most Gracious Lord, I cling to You with unwavering faith so that I can receive what I long for … the assurance of eternal life. Recounting Your passion, death, and resurrection bolsters my faith in You and Your love. My desire is for my service to You to be emblematic of Your selfless service to mankind. I ask that You be with those of us who suffer and struggle with life’s issues. I believe in my heart that Your desire is to see Your people healed and whole. You who bore my burdens and endured for my sake, teach me how to do the same for others. I need Your strength and guidance to ensure my life fulfills the role to which I was called. Help me discard sinful temptations and hold myself accountable to meeting Your high standards. Life without You is bleak at best and that is why I need You to walk with me throughout each day.
I lift my voice to You in praise for there is no one like You. You are my light shining into the darkness I face each day. Guide me in truth and show me the way I must navigate my life. I need for You to fill me with Your goodness so that I will, in turn, be able to do good for those You put into my life. Help me avoid evil and carry Your standard proudly. My hope rests in You alone, for You are the only One who can make all things possible if I am willing to surrender myself to You. How wonderful it is to have my life filled with You. I feel the peace that can only be found in You and it calms me through the storms that come into my life. I regret that You had to suffer so much to pay the price for my sins, but I am thankful that You loved me and were obedient to the will of Your Father. Because of all that You sacrificed for me I will honor You all my days.
I love You above all things and I will strive to be all that You desired when life was breathed into me. Life can be hard to navigate at times, but with You as the Captain of my life I know I will get to a safe harbor in Heaven. As the one, true Vine, I cling to You like a branch in the middle of a windstorm. In You, I know that all my needs will be provided, and Your loving concern will follow me wherever I go. Fill my life with Your tender mercies and provide me with Your grace when I need Your support. You told me You were the true Vine and if I maintained myself in You, I could get all the things that I need to survive. Each day when I arise, I dedicate it to You, and I commit myself to doing exactly what You instruct me to do. I believe that as I cling to You as the Vine who sustains me, I will become more and more like You. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
John 15:5 I am the Vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from Me you can do nothing.