Awesome and Powerful Lord

Today I can rejoice, O King of Kings, for I have put my trust in You.  For You have descended into the depths of the ocean … ascended to the far reaches of the stars … from the bowels of the earth, You have brought forth the mountains … You have placed every cloud that is in the sky … and, You have created a desert where only a few living things can exist.  Who is like You … mighty in strength, filled with wisdom and able to do everything Your creation cannot do?  For all of mankind is frail and limited and we represent only a drop in the ocean when compared to You.  You spoke and everything that exists was created … You called out and the dead came back to life … Your example changed the hearts of many … You reached out, touched the sick and they were healed.  Awesome are the things You do and beautiful are the things You have made.  Your love is manifested throughout Your creation.

In You, My Lord, do I live and move and have my very being.  As a result of Your unconditional love, You gave me life as a sign of Your goodness.  In return, I fell away … seeking what pleased me and following what I deemed to be right.  I formed partnerships with the world and rejected the offer of Your extended hand.  As a result, You had to suffer and die so that I could be redeemed from Hell and the power of sin.  In an awesome display of mercy and compassion, You opened the gates of Heaven to me, accepted my offering of sorrow and repentance and gave me hope for my future.  Now that I bear Your name, Heaven is my home and I have a place at Your banqueting table.  How awesome and majestic is all that You think and do.  Nothing is impossible for You and there is no problem You cannot solve.  Healing broken hearts is Your mission and changing them is Your goal. 

So I ask, where can I go to find someone as awesome and powerful as You?  To whom can I flee to find unconditional love and compassion?  Upon whom can I lean for safety and protection?  And, when will I find a place in time where I feel more fulfilled and complete than I do with You now?  The answer is simple … there is nothing or no one but You, O God of Creation.  In Your great plan for me, You gave me life and formed me in Your image … covered me in Your love … provided me with a place of safety where I can hide until danger passes … and, redeemed me and made a call on my life.  Your grace sustains me through my trials and difficulties.  And, Your strength upholds me when I feel weak and I’m about to collapse under the weight of my failures and the stresses of life.  You are awesome and all power resides with You … that is why I pledge my fidelity to You alone.  And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray.  AMEN!!

Psalm 104:1 O Lord My God, You are very great; You are clothed with splendor and majesty.

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