I praise You, Most High God, for You are my guide and the one I turn to in all things. Help me wait on You before I make any plans to resolve my problems or make a decision about my future. I do not want to do anything with my life that has not been reviewed and approved by You. I sometimes put on a mask to hide my motives from You, but I know You can see right through me and will not let me be phony. You are able to see both my weaknesses and my strengths, so help me overcome my weaknesses and build upon my strengths. My desire is for my life to be filled with Your goodness and an undying love for You. I want to eliminate the things I do that grieve You. Show me how, O Lord. Teach me how to walk in Your ways … surrender all to You … and, be satisfied with whatever You have called me to be or do. In the matters of life, where I’ve pushed You away, help me return to You again.
My desire in life is to reflect the authenticity of our relationship … not displaying outward signs that are not aligned with what is truly in my heart. Examining my life to see what is really there is a frightening and difficult thing to do. A closer look is what I need, but I will need wisdom and direction from the Holy Spirit to truly examine my conscience. I need to be guided through an in–depth look at who I am and what I stand for. I want my life to reflect positively on You and show the world what a “true” servant’s heart looks like. In doing so, I can begin to feel good about myself … what I am doing … and, why I’m doing it. I want my actions to be motivated by love and devotion to You alone. You died so I could live … I want to live for You by dying to myself. As I look at the world You created, I am realizing what a marvelous thing You have done and I’m gaining an appreciation for my place in it.
Help me, O Living Savior, to expand my vision beyond myself. I want to gain a better understanding of my purpose in life … the requirements of my service to You and my fellow man … and, my role for impacting the world around me for good. I do not want any glory for myself … only You. In many ways, You are still a mystery to me. All truth resides in You … all wisdom resides in You … all power resides in You … and, when I consider it all, I am awed. I want to understand You better so I can draw closer to You. In order to do that, I will need Your help in making more time available to spend with You in order to better comprehend Your plans for me. Open my heart to receive the light that You want to shine into my life. Help me prioritize things so that the important stuff … like building a relationship with You … gets its rightful place at the top of my priorities. My chief desire is to be guided by the light You emanate. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
Psalm 43:3 Send forth Your light and Your truth; let them guide me.