Becoming A Faithful Steward

Most Glorious Savior, I am so thankful for all of the times and all of the ways that You have been there for me.  In the good times and in the bad ones, You have stood with me and been faithful in every way.  Help me never forget that I too am a steward of Your grace, goodness and love … and, a key component of my stewardship is being faithful.  As a true follower, I should earnestly seek Your will in everything involving my life.  At all times, I must turn to Your Word and its teachings for direction.  In response to the outpouring of Your wisdom and blessings, I must treasure them and share them with others.  I will avoid those things that do not have You as its source and do not help me increase my faith.  I know that to be a receiver, I must be a giver … and, You’ve given me so much that I need to share with others.  If I become stingy or neglectful in sharing, either my material or spiritual blessings, I believe that Your favor will be withdrawn from me.

As a believer, I am called to follow You and obey Your commands.  To do so, I must remain loyal and focused.  I must love You so much that I’m willing to sacrifice whatever is required in order to answer Your call.  You deserve my obedience in all things and I ask that You help me in becoming a faithful servant in everything I do.  Because of the many of gifts and blessings You’ve bestowed upon me, I must be willing to use them in service to You and others.  You expect me to be a good steward of the grace and benefits You have shared with me.  I so covet hearing You say to me … “well done, my good and faithful servant.  You have been faithful in a few things, I will make you the ruler over many things.  Enter into the joy intended for you.”  How wonderful it is to be a beneficiary of Your praise, loving mercy, unmerited favor and abundant blessings.

I realize that everything I have does not belong to me … it is Yours on loan.  Your blessings are intended to produce good in my life.  As a steward of Your gifts, I should use them to produce my own good fruit.  Selfishness is as far from what You represent as darkness is from light.  When I feel the urge to be greedy or selfish, I must recognize that they are devious attempts by my enemy to draw me away from Your generosity and unconditional love.  I know that I am never more like You than when I am giving.  You are the owner of everything on the earth … help me be a worthy caretaker of my little piece.  As a sheep in Your flock, I believe that every good and perfect gift comes from You … and, everything You possess is made available to me if I will be a good steward of the time, talents and resources You’ve given to me.  As I strive to draw closer to You, help me in my efforts to become a good and faithful servant and watchman over Your handiwork.  And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray.  AMEN!!

I Peter 4:10 Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms. 

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