Becoming a Gift to You

Praise and honor be Yours, Most Glorious King, for when You created me You gave me the talents You wanted me to use in the furtherance of Your Kingdom.  You’ve challenged me in the Scriptures to “not neglect the gift that is within me.”  In Your all-knowing wisdom, You knew precisely what You were doing when You gave me my unique capabilities and the opportunities to use them.  You are now calling me to put those talents into good use.  Each day I am encouraged to be a faithful steward of the gifts You have bestowed upon me … now, I must decide to respond.  Because I live in the world, it is always working to deter me from responding to You.  I am offered countless opportunities to squander my time, talents and resources … how will I respond to those inducements?  I know that I must remain watchful for distractions and temptations that are intended to lead me away from what You want me to do.  Help me be faithful to You in all that I say or do.

I am thankful for the unique opportunities You have given me to serve You and my fellow man.  I know You have provided me with every tool that I will need to accomplish whatever task You set before me.  As a result, I will value the abilities You’ve given me by nourishing them through study and practice, cultivating them by seeking the guidance of the Holy Spirit and sharing them by acting on what You have instructed me to do.  I know that the best way I can thank You for all that You’ve done for me is by using my gifts for Your glory and enhancing the lives of others.  I understand that in receiving the skills You’ve placed within me You are expecting a return on Your investment.  As I succeed in using my abilities wisely, I will know You are pleased when You say to me … “Well done, my good and faithful servant; you were faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things.  Enter into the joy of Your Lord.”

I believe that Your Holy Spirit will enkindle within me a desire to serve You more and I feel a responsibility to stoke the fire with a commitment of doing what You created me to do.  Because You have generously shared Yourself and many blessings with me, I feel called to use my skills to serve others and show You that I am a good custodian of those gifts.  I promise to use my talents with enthusiasm whether it takes the form of service, teaching, encouraging, giving or showing mercy.  I will undertake my duties with vigor and cheerfulness.  My goal is to use the capabilities You gave me for the furtherance of good in the place where I live and in whatever ways You decree.  I know that, as Your child, You have freely given me the talents I possess and You will demand a strict accounting of how I used them.  Help me never forget the truth that says … “what I am is Your gift to me and what I become is my gift to You.”  And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray.  AMEN!!

Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord.  They are plans for good and not for harm, to give you a future and hope.

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