O Precious Redeemer, the climax of my life was the moment I surrendered myself to You so that You could deliver me from the power of darkness and bring me into Your Kingdom. I was ransomed by Your blood and received a pardon for my sins for which I am eternally grateful. Now I have the privilege and responsibility to tell others of Your wonderful redemptive power. That is why I need the help of the Holy Spirit in conveying to others the magnitude of Your love and concerns for them. I want to speak words that turn the hearts of the lost to You. I need the working of the Holy Spirit to anoint my words in a way that draws men to You. What I’ve come to realize is the fact that the story of the difference You make in a life is worth telling. In seeing first-hand the effects of sin on people’s lives, I know You possess the only way to prosperity and eternal life. I want to become a channel proclaiming that Good News.
The truth is I was once alienated from You through a depraved mind and evil works. But, through Your death and resurrection, You have reconciled me to Your Father and presented me as holy in His sight, without blemish and free from the accusations of Satan. This is an important story to tell to the world. Yet my enemy tries to intimidate me and frighten me so I will remain silent … but I know that sin corrupts a man’s thinking and leads him to believe right is wrong and wrong is right. That is why the message of Your awesome power in setting them free must be told so that others can experience real peace, joy, contentment and prosperity. As Your redeemed, my commission is to show the lost that they cannot save themselves. If they want a life after death that is filled with goodness and happiness, they must surrender to You.
I feel blessed to have been delivered from the dominion of darkness and ushered into Your Kingdom. In becoming a joint heir with You, I’ve been bought with a price that only You could pay. As a result, I’ve been formed in Your image and likeness and possess Your heart for the unsaved. You have encouraged me to reframe from hiding my light under a bushel basket and put it on a hill for all to see. You are the Way, the Truth and the Light for a lost world. Help me lift You up so that others can see Your goodness and experience the joy of belonging to You. My conduct and testimony should be a clear reflection of my allegiance to You. It is sometimes hard to know exactly what to say to someone I know needs to surrender to You … so, help me simply convey my story and what You’ve done for me. In so-doing, it will be easy for me to become the story teller You want me to be. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
I Thessalonians 1:4 For we know, brothers loved of God, that He has chosen you, because our gospel was given to you in simple words, but also with the power of the Holy Spirit and deep conviction.