Becoming an Encourager

Most Gracious Lord, Your command to encourage others can be found throughout the Bible. I was able to find the following ways to encourage others in Thessalonians Chapter 5 and I ask for Your help in implementing them into my life:

  • Building others up. Pointing out qualities You appreciate about them.
  • Holding leaders in high regards. Holding back criticism and saying “thank you” for their efforts.
  • Live in peace. Searching for ways to get along with everyone.
  • Being inclusive. Invite others to join you in doing something for God’s Kingdom.
  • Encourage the timid. Help them understand that there is no need to shy away from the Lord because He has promised us many good things and offered us the use of His power to overcome our struggles and difficulties.
  • Help the weak. Support those who are weak through loving actions and plenty of prayers.
  • Be patient. Plan ahead to stay calm and remember that everyone is not like you.
  • Resist revenge. Instead of planning to get even with someone who has mistreated you, do something good for them.
  • Be joyful. Remember that even in the midst of turmoil, God is in control and deserves praise.
  • Pray continually. Talk with God each day about improving your conditions and the conditions of others.
  • Give thanks. Make a list of the gifts God has given to you, giving Him thanks for each one. If a person is on this list, be sure to let them know the blessing they are to you.
  • Do not put out the fire of the Holy Spirit that lives within you. Cooperate with the Holy Spirit the next time He prompts you to do something for someone else.
  • Do not treat God’s Word disrespectfully. Accept God’s Word as true because it is meant to help and guide you in your relationship with Him and others.
  • Avoid every kind of evil. Your actions speak louder than words.
  • Constantly seek the help of the Lord. Realize that the Christian Life is to be lived not in our own strength but through His power.

So long as I strive to emulate Your life, I know I will be a person who encourages others because You have always reminded me that all things work together for good to those who love You and are called according to Your purposes. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!

I Thessalonians 5:8 But since we belong to the light, let us be self-controlled, putting on faith and love as a breastplate and the hope of salvation as a helmet.

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