Most Beloved Lord, You are the strong, solid foundation of love, faithfulness and truth upon which I am building my life. Whenever my world is turned upside down, it is You to whom I turn for help. When I feel vulnerable and uneasy, it is You who reaches out to me with a warm embrace to calm my fears. I know that in whatever I face, You have the power to help me overcome it. I know this because You laid out the plans for the heavens and the earth … breathed life into Your creation … and sustain it each day. When I feel the crushing blow of sorrow overwhelming me, it is You who offers me consolation and wipes away my tears. When the world and sin try to cause me to stray, You guide me with a steady hand and show me the way I am to go. No longer do sin and death hold me down because through Your love I have been set free from both.
I am the clay and You are the potter. Form me and shape me into Your image. Where there is strife and discord, make me a messenger of Your peace and harmony. Where there is doubt and hopelessness, help me sow the seeds of faith in those who need to know You. Where there is despair, let me bring hope. Where there is sadness and sorrow, make me a channel of Your joy. Where unforgiveness abounds, help me show the way to “forgive and forget.” Where selfishness has found a home, help me demonstrate that “to give is better than receive.” Where darkness lingers, use me to bring forth Your light to show a better way to the future. Help me seek to console rather than to be consoled. To understand rather than seeking to be understood. And to love with a love that is unconditional like Yours. What You are I want to be!!
No longer am I destined to be a slave of sin and evil. Instead, I am an adopted child of God. I now have the option to choose to walk in the light or become overtaken by darkness. I can tremble in the shadow of my obstacles or I can be a warrior who overcomes them all. I can become a betrayer of the truth by doing my own thing and living for myself or I can be a faithful servant who hears Your words and sets out to do them. I can sit silent about Your awesomeness or I can boldly proclaim Your love and mercy. I can let mountains of adversity crush me or I can by faith cast them into the sea. I can become wounded by the words spoken by others or I can choose to bind up wounds with love and kindness. When I am blessed with good fortunes, I can share them with those who are less fortunate than me. My goal in life is to become more and more like You each day. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
Romans 8:28-29 And we know that in all these things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purposes. For those God foreknew He also predestinated to be conformed into the likeness of His son.