O Fountain of Wisdom and Grace, You have called me to proclaim the Good News of Your coming. To do that, I must first become a good learner … one who hears the truth from Your Word and goes about doing it. Learning involves the renewing of my mind so that the selfish, me first thinking of the world is replaced by kind and loving thoughts/actions. To be successful, I must first be sold out to You, feel deeply that Your words are true and have a burning desire to share them with others. The trappings of the world sell themselves on fulfilling the lusty desires of the flesh and promoting philosophies that are in direct conflict to Your will. The question You ask is “who will go out and share My Good News with others?” Your expectation is that I will reply “here I am Lord.” Patience and gentleness are two traits I will need to develop if I’m going to reach others for You.
I want to be upright and straight forward with those to whom I am imparting Your truths. In doing so, I must hold fast to the things that You’ve revealed to me and shun vain babblings that are not sincere. My desire is to be able to show those seeking more for their lives that You are The Way. My goal is to be sure what I am sharing is true … exhorting and comforting in the same way You would … and leading my life in the way I am asking others to lead theirs. In sharing with the lost and those in darkness, I yearn to show them the light and strength that can be found only in You. I want them to see the strength of my convictions and feel the gentleness of Your compassion for their situation. Your Holy Spirit must play a key role in my sharing with others because He is the “expert” in gentleness, encouragement and making concepts clear. I need every bit of grace You can give in order to be successful in spreading Your Word.
When I think of sharing Your wisdom with others, it requires that I become a student of Your Word. I believe that the Scriptures are inspired words by which I am to live. Studying is the only way to develop understanding and sound thinking. As I study, the Holy Spirit will illuminate Your words and help me become proficient in sharing them. You’ve encourages me to “study to show myself approved of God, a workman that needs not be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of Truth.” (II Tim 2:15) I want to become that person. As one looks out on the awful spiritual and moral conditions of the world, it is easy to feel discouraged and hopeless. That is why I want share the good things I’ve learned from You with others. Regardless of my circumstances, as Your child, I want to become proficient in Your Word, be a living example of it and be able to teach it with conviction. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
II Timothy 2:24 … the Lord’s servant must not quarrel; instead, he must be kind to everyone, able to teach, and not resentful.
Loved this prayer, Larry. I will never forget who was my teacher and shared the Lord with me and then my entire family. Life for me and mine would likely have been very different. What you shared from the Word sent me to places and put people in my life of which I would never have dreamed. Thank you for your faithful walk in what He has called you to do! God bless you! Our love to you and Kathy!