Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty, heaven and earth are full of Your glory … Hosanna in the highest. I have heard Your call and I accept Your challenge to be holy as You are holy. You have given me Your law, not as a “Task Master”, but as a guide to take me through the lessons I must learn in order to purge myself of selfish and worldly ways that prevent me from becoming holy like You. I do not want to become a slave of the law and become bound in “legalism” but, instead, walk boldly in the freedom, power and spirit of it. I rejoice in the fact that You included me as one of Your “chosen people” … a royal priesthood and a holy nation … a people called by Your name and belonging to You totally.
I am both blessed and honored by the urging of Your warm and tender love to become a cherished part of You. I am thankful that I am able to serve You without fear or mistrust. Help me live in peace with You, my brothers and my sisters. Help them see that I am “special” to You and how You’ve called me to a life of holiness and service. My hope is that my example will cause others to want the same things for themselves.
To be holy is to be different and set apart for Your service. To be holy, I must choose to be like You instead of becoming conformed to the ways of the world and becoming corrupt. Your laws and restrictions were given to help me keep from becoming imbedded in the ways of the world. It is not easy to be holy in an unholy world, but You do not ask us to accomplish it on our own. By Your death, You’ve empowered me to be free and holy. This is my new way of living.
I know that in my past I was alienated from You because of evil that found a place in my heart. But now I have been reconciled to You and have been made holy and blameless through the offering of Your blood. Now I must begin walking in that holiness. As I begin each day, help me start it with a pure heart devoted to You and desirous to live a life of purity and service. I never want to be judged by my material wealth, rather the wealth of my values … nor by my popularity, but by my unconditional love. If I do things Your way and follow the leading of the Holy Spirit, I know that I can begin the process of walking in holiness as You walk in it. You have called me to be holy as You are holy and that will be my goal as long as I live. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
Lev 11:44 “I am the Lord your God. Consecrate yourselves and be holy, because I am holy.”