My Only Lord, You’ve said that if I live by the Spirit I will not gratify the desires of my sinful nature. Being led by the Spirit involves a desire to listen to what He has to say, a readiness to obey Him and a sensitivity to discern between my feelings and His promptings. To live my life to the fullest, I must be controlled and guided by the Spirit of God. Through His work, Your words will come alive, Your love will free me to do what is good in Your sight and His power will help me overcome my weaknesses. I’ve come to understand that my sinful nature is at odds against the will of the Spirit. They are in conflict with one another, with my flesh pulling me toward what I want and not what You want. But, if I follow the leading of the Spirit, I do not have to succumb to my sinful nature.
You caution me that, if I rely on my own wisdom, I will make wrong choices. And, if I try to follow the Holy Spirit in my own strength, I will fail. But, if I’m empowered by the Spirit, I will be able to overcome my sinful nature. I cannot deny that evil desires come to tempt me and their appearance cannot be ignored. Your Word tells me that I must crucify them. What I know from Your crucifixion is that it was painful and involved long suffering. If I choose to ignore things like selfishness, holding grudges, jealousy and rebellion, then the gifts of the Holy Spirit cannot be attained and the pathway to transforming my life goes away. My desire is for the fullness of the Holy Spirit to dwell in me because He possesses the power and knowledge to help in overcoming the things that hold me back. The fruit of the Spirit cannot become a part of my life trying to get them, I need His help.
Because You left the Holy Spirit as my companion when You left for Your home in Heaven, the by-product of His filling my life is a hope of coming into perfect harmony with You and Your Word. As I live in the Spirit, I know I will begin to fulfill the desires of Your heart and not my own. As a Christian, I know that I still have the capacity to sin but, through Your Work on Calvary and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, I’ve been set free from the power of sin and I no longer have to give in to it. Each day I must commit my sinful tendencies to the control of the Spirit of God, separate myself from the occasions of sin and draw upon the Spirit’s power to overcome them. In order to live in the Spirit, I must surrender every aspect of my life to His control. Since being redeemed, I must start living and acting like I am and I know I will if I follow the leading of the Holy Spirit. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
Romans 8:13-14 For if you live according to the sinful nature, you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the misdeeds of the body, you will live, because those who are led of the Spirit of God are sons of God.