My Redeeming Savior, the scriptures describe You as the Way, the Truth and the Light. If I am to be more like You, I must walk uprightly with love, speak the truth You that reveal to me and reflect the light You shine into my life. I appreciate the radiance of Your light which exposes the darkness and fallen nature of my inner man which predisposes me to sin. I now understand that You send Your light into my life so I can see the better way that leads me to overcoming obstacles and living in prosperity. Of the many benefits that accrue to me, there are few more remarkable than the input of Your light which opens my spiritual eyes to see the width, depth and breadth of what my faith can accomplish. Through Your light, I benefit from Your knowledge, Your purity and Your blessings. Your light influences my life and that’s why I will strive to share it to others.
The display of love is evidence that I am truly Yours. As the creator and embodiment of love, if I am to be like You, I must be willing to love as You do. In the cold world, You bring the warmth of love into it. Love requires that I put others first and become unselfish. You summarized the 10 Commandments into two acts of love … love God and love my neighbor. Love demands action of me … showing both You and my neighbor that I care deeply about you both … not just saying it. To demonstrate my commitment to loving, I must be willing to give liberally of my time, talent and resources to the furtherance of Your Kingdom and ministering to needs. How I treat others is a sign of how deeply You have penetrated into my heart. To deny the importance of love in my life is to deny the importance of You in it. Your love is pure and unconditional … and, I will strive to make mine the same.
I’ve committed my life to learning more about Your truth and, as I seek it, You have promised that I will come to understand the truth and it will set me free. Free from what? The erroneous thinking of the world … the clever deceptions of the Devil … dark thoughts that do not align with Your Word … and just plain “stinking thinking” developed over time. Your desire is for me to walk in the light emitted by Your truths so I can prosper and grow. Hidden in Your words are treasures worth searching for … truths that release me from the grip of sin … truths that turn my hopelessness in possibilities … truths that teach me how to love unconditionally … and, truths that help my faith grow. Your truth is the perfect standard for what is right. As I go through these lessons in light, truth and life, I feel like I will be more like you. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
John 12:32 Whoever serves me must follow me; and where I am, my servant will also be.