Blessed Are They

Show me, O Lord, the keys that open the gates of Heaven.  Help me accept my cross willing as You did Yours.  Reveal Your precepts to me so I can put them to work in my life allowing me to become more like You and less like the world.  I want Your blessing in all that I do, so I will study to show myself approved.  I no longer want to be ashamed of the cross … rather, acting as a strong advocate of it.  I know that Your ways contradict the ways of my flesh.  When others take, I am to give … when others hate, I am to love … when others judge, I am to remain silent.  By giving up my rights in order to please You, I believe that one day I will receive the fullness of my inheritance.  My greatest desire is to experience hope and joy independent of outward circumstances. 

So how should I go about reaping the inheritance You earned for me and finding true happiness?  The first thing I need to work on is humility… recognizing I am nothing without you … nor can I do anything meaningful without You.  I should also be willing to bear my brother’s burdens … caring for the sick, feeding the poor … and, comforting those who mourn.  I must not become haughty and think of myself more highly than I should.  I must come to understand that my talents are Yours, my time is Yours and my prosperity is on loan from You.  If I want your mercy, then I must learn to give it.  And, the more You show me Your loving kindness, the more You expect me to show it to others.  In order to please You, I must strive to become holy as You are holy … not only preaching a form of godliness, but walking in it.  I can no longer be an instrument of anger and divisiveness … instead, becoming one who calls others to join him in peace, love and community.  You never called me to judge others, so help me refrain from doing it.  When I am persecuted for Your names’ sake, help me to stand up bravely and turn the other cheek.  

Because of my obedience and submission to Your will, I know You will bless me above men.  You will open the windows of heaven and pour out Your blessings upon me.  In my times of greatest stress and anguish, I can count on You to comfort me … show me compassion … and help me find solutions for my problems.   The things that are hard to come by … peace, joy, rest and prosperity … will become a regular part of my life.  My emptiness will be filled with your wholeness and I will feel valued and complete.  When I sin and stray from You, if I repent, I trust that You will show me Your mercy.  Because I work hard at walking in Your ways, You have received me as Your own and given me an inheritance.  Blessed are they who take refuge in Your wisdom, power and love.  And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray.  AMEN!!

Proverbs 8:34-35 Blessed is the man who listens to me, watching daily at my doors, waiting at my doorway.  For whoever finds me finds life and receives favor from the Lord.

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