Bringing Back Shame

My Compassionate Lord, people used to have a sense of shame that influenced their behavior. Hearing a vile word or deed struck a blow to our inner being. Betraying our faith (the approval of abortion), family (being a cheating spouse) or principles (lying on our Federal Income Tax Return) were once considered shameful acts but now have become common. We would feel shame when we did not live up to high standards. The feeling of shame seems to be disappearing from society. People do deceitful and despicable things that are becoming more common every day. Base acts no longer awaken harden hearts to moments of shame and remorse. The problem is that many no longer hold themselves to the high standards in Your Word. It is hard to try and convince them that Your ways are better unless I adopt and practice them.

Shame is the emotion You gave me to acknowledge and become remorseful for the evil I do in my life. Lazarus’ betrayal led to Your suffering and death and his shame and remorse led him to hang himself. The vision of right and wrong is what envelops our guiding philosophies, laws, and principles. The guidance in Your Word is to lead me to high standards that everyone is expected to accept. It pointed out the lower levels of conduct which have been deemed as unacceptable, immoral, and base. Shame provides the metric that helps me prioritize my soul over my flesh. It is my defense against all that is ugly, vulgar, and sinful. Shame is a response for deviation from what You want me to do and be. It is Your helper to drive me away from my base instincts and guide me to my higher calling. Unless my soul is born again it will lose the perpetual struggle against evil.

When You dwell in me, Your goodness rebels against incursions of evil and fleshly desires. When I betray Your principles, I awaken the feelings of shame. To defy You brings a stinging to my conscious which leads me to contrition and a desire to receive Your pardon. Shame serves as my early warning signal that what is before me does not line up with Your will or Your way. It triggers within me a desire to side-step the repugnance of the thing I am facing. This clash between good and evil helps me realize the lasting consequences of what I am contemplating. When the safeguard of shame is in place, it protects me from succumbing to the worse follies of my fallen nature and the deceptions of my enemy. It is my drawing closer to You that has shown me my need for a stronger sense of shame. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!

Proverbs 13:5 The righteous hate what is false, but the wicked bring shame and disgraced to themselves.

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