Dear Lord, I wonder what You think when You look down on me. I know that I am not the person You envisioned when You created me. I was born with sin on my soul and I was broken from the very beginning. O how I wish I’d done things differently with my life and led a life more pleasing to You. I wish I could go back and undo the harm I’ve done … but the past is done. I bear the scars of past skirmishes with evil and the disappointments of broken relationships. I want to draw battle lines where I can take a stand against all things You’ve taught me that damage my soul and alienates me from You. Many times I’ve promised You that I’d do better, but never applied myself to really change. As I see the brokenness of my life, I am beginning to understand it will take repentance, fortitude and the empowering of the Holy Spirit to overcome the forces of evil that bring out the worst in me. Only You can make me complete.
If You help me, I know that my shattered dreams can be restored. With the glue of Your love, You can make me whole again. You can turn my failures into successes … my sins into acts of righteousness … my selfishness into giving … my emptiness into fulfillment … and, my discontent into peace. Only You can heal the sorrow and pains of things lost and hurts that go deep. From my brokenness, I know You can make me whole … body, soul and spirit. At times in my life, I’ve left You feeling disappointed when I went off to do my own thing and chasing after the trappings of the world. But, like the prodigal son, I’ve found my way back … wounded and confused … I’m hoping You will give me another chance to pull my life together and become the person You’ve always wanted me to be. I want to become a soldier fighting against the evil in the world. I want to become an architect building up Your Kingdom.
I am asking You for another chance for my brokenness to be made whole. I promise to persevere in doing what Your Word requires of me … follow the leading of the Holy Spirit … willfully giving up the ways of the world … having no other God before me … and my striving to do only the things You ask me to do. I will persevere in putting the principles You’ve taught me to work in my life. I lay myself humbly at Your feet and offer myself as a living sacrifice for Your glory. I bring my weaknesses to Your alter and ask that You turn them into strengths … I give You my fears and ask for courage in their place … I submit my inadequacies and accept Your possibilities. No longer will I give in to the lusts of my flesh … the imaginations of my mind … or the leading of my enemy. I want and need You in my life. I acknowledge that I am broken and in need of You to put me back together. Come quickly, My Lord, come quickly. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
Psalm 124:7 We have escaped like a bird out of a fowler’s snare; the snare is broken, and I have escaped.