Having You in My Life

I am thankful, Most Loving Lord, that when I wake up each morning, You are there with me.  You insure my safe passage by going before me.  You guard my back from sneak attacks and I am at peace throughout the day because I know that You are walking beside me.  You are there to … Read more

Free to Be Like You

My Triumphant Savior, from deep within me has come a desire for You to create in me a pure heart and spirit.  As an offspring of Adam, I inherited his fallen nature (a tendency to sin) and Your Father’s wrath.  In the sacrifice of Yourself, I’ve been allowed to trade judgement for forgiveness … sin … Read more

Becoming a Gift to You

Praise and honor be Yours, Most Glorious King, for when You created me You gave me the talents You wanted me to use in the furtherance of Your Kingdom.  You’ve challenged me in the Scriptures to “not neglect the gift that is within me.”  In Your all-knowing wisdom, You knew precisely what You were doing … Read more

All That I Am

Most Gracious Lord, though my life is mine to live, I can’t forget that it was You who brought me into this world with a purpose and a mission.  My parents birthed me and gave me a name, but it was You who had a call on my life.  You alone know everything about me … Read more