The Battle

O Righteous Judge, there is nothing I can accuse You of because You are pure, holy, and just. You have done nothing wrong. You are exceedingly patient with me, have always tried to lovingly guide me and have forgiven my sins so I could reestablish our relationship. Many times, You’ve instructed me how to run … Read more

In The Midst of My Trials

Most Compassionate Lord, whenever I think about going through “tough times” I always think of Job. His words echo the dark, desperate times he was going through. You can hear his pain when he says, “Relent, do not be unjust; reconsider my life and what I’m going through. Am I to be a slave to … Read more

Escaping Hopelessness

Most Understanding Lord, sometimes my load seems heavier than I can carry. When this happens, I tend to feel hopeless. But I must not give up because giving up means giving in. Instead, I should turn to You and seek Your help. No matter how bad my circumstances may become I must never forget that … Read more

Dealing With Hopelessness

Most Understanding Lord, throughout time people have experienced affliction and felt the ravages of hopelessness. Their chances for happiness and fulfillment are bleak and elusive. In times of distress, they feel alone and far from You. Their life is besieged with bitterness and failure. They are engulfed in darkness and the walls of their life … Read more

Why Are You Afraid?

Most Understanding Lord, I remember a story in the Bible where You and the Apostles were crossing the Sea of Galilee. You had fallen asleep in the back of the boat and a storm came up suddenly and threatened to sink the boat. The disciples panicked and cried out “Teacher, don’t You care if we … Read more

The Gift of the Holy Spirit

Most Tender-Hearted Lord, I acknowledge the generosity and love You showed to me when You gave me the gift of the Holy Spirit. He is the Comforter, Leader, and Teacher I need to successfully answer my calling. Through His power and the dispensing of grace, I’ve been given the power to overcome sin. I am … Read more

Committed To You

My Powerful Defender, I live in a world that challenges my well-being every day. An earthquake shakes the very foundation of my security. A tornado or hurricane can blow away the treasures of a lifetime. A bullet can take away my life in an instant. A drunk driver can turn me into an innocent victim. … Read more

Being Transformed Into You

O Righteous Lord, You stressed the importance of obeying You when You said “Obey me and I will be Your God. Walk in the ways I command you, that it might go well with you.” You do not respond to the pleas of those who stubbornly insist on doing things their way or becoming hard-hearted … Read more

Living A Christian Life

Companion on my Journey of Faith, I watch chameleons change their coloring from green to brown and vice versa. They change to match their surroundings which helps them in their survival. It is natural for them to fit in and adapt to the environment in which they live. But followers of Yours are “new creations”, … Read more

The Miraculous You

My Miraculous Lord, the awesomeness of how You can take something non-existent or very small and turn it into something big and beneficial has not escaped me. There is the creation of the earth and universe which You took from nothing and by the power of Your words created a marvelous place for man to … Read more