Hope In My Savior

Savior of the World, who would believe that Your Father would choose to save the world through a humble, suffering servant rather than a triumphant king? But He often works in ways that we do not expect. Your strength was not shown in might but through humility, suffering and obedience. There was nothing beautiful in … Read more

You Have Said

Dear Heavenly Visitor, You made Your purpose on earth very clear when You said “I am The Way and The Truth and The Life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” As The Way, You are the only path to a meaningful relationship with Your Father. To become The Way, You had to … Read more

You Are The Way

Most Reliable Lord, I realize that the drive to be free from all restrictions can motivate some people to be completely out of Your will. I believe that You send me messages that help me avoid shunning You. I know that You hold me responsible for all my choices and actions. I believe that persistent … Read more

The Light

Most Enlightening Lord, You said in describing Yourself “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life.” A benefit from Your coming is that the darkness of evil will never overcome or extinguish Your light in me. As the creator of life, … Read more

Once And For All

O Merciful Lord, how I rejoice over the fact that Your suffering for sins was a “once and for all” event. In the Old Testament animal sacrifices had to be repeated because they offered only temporary forgiveness. But Your sacrifice was offered once and provided total and permanent forgiveness. Under the New Covenant, the role … Read more

Freedom In You

Most Gracious Lord, it was You who set me free from the power of sin and provided me with eternal life. The freedom You gave me did not free me to do whatever I want because it would lead me again into slavery to my selfish desires. Instead, thanks to You, I now am now … Read more

Faith In You

My Steadfast Defender, regardless of what goes on around me or what stands before me, I know that You will be with me like a Mighty Champion defending me from whomever/whatever tries to take me down. As a result, my tormentors will stumble and fail in their efforts to prevail over me. You continually test … Read more

Contemplating God

My Awesome God, I look into the sky at night and marvel at the innumerable number of stars there are in the sky and how massive the universe seems … I look out on the oceans and they seem endless … I gaze upon the mountains and how tall and massive they stand before me. … Read more