Purifying My Heart

Hear my cries and preserve my life, O God.  Purify my heart and cleanse me from the stains of sin.  Too many times I have traveled down crooked paths where evil and my flesh teamed up to overpower my resolve to do good.  Rather than follow the sound of Your voice (leading me to the … Read more

Patience and Perseverance

O Merciful Lord, help me find the way to Your peace and a place of rest.  Each day I feel like I am caught in a whirlwind of adversity that spins uncontrollably around me.  I try to answer questions that seemingly have no answers.  I travel down a road of confusion with no direction or … Read more

O Consecrated Child of God

I give praise to You, My All-knowing and All-powerful God.  From the beginning of time, You had a plan for the succession of power, wealth and prosperity to Your people.  In the days of old, it was the “first born” who received the blessing and the inheritance from the father.  Through Christ, You have opened … Read more

No Condemnation

My Glorious Savior, Your Word promises me that there is no condemnation to those who choose You as their Lord.  Your expectation is that I will begin to walk under the guidance of the Spirit and stop being led by my fleshly desires.  Through Your sacrifice on Calvary, You have dealt conclusively with the punishment … Read more

In the Beauty of Your Holiness

“Who is like unto thee, O Lord, among gods?  Who is like thee, glorious in holiness, fearful in praise, doing wonders?” (Ex 15:11)  Blessed are You, Almighty God, for the Scriptures testify of Your unblemished holiness and overwhelming beauty.  Your omnipresence and omnipotence are utterly unique and beyond comprehension by any human mind.  In You … Read more

In Pursuit of Holiness

O God of Purity and Hope, in the same way that the soil’s nourishment gives rise to the sprout and the rain causes the seed to grow, so does my relationship with You make Your righteousness rise up and grow in me.  It is Your purity that challenges me to avoid sin so that I … Read more

I Am An Open Book

My Blessed High Priest, I come to You humbly seeking Your forgiveness and counsel.  So many times in the past, I’ve missed the mark and gone astray.  The source of my waywardness has been wrong thinking and doing things my way.  I no longer want to go around stumbling and falling into pits.  I no … Read more

Flesh and Blood

Most Loving Lord, I rejoice in discovering that You are the bread of God who has come down from heaven and gives life to the world.  You’ve promised me that, if I come to You, I will never go hungry nor will I ever thirst.  You have made it clear to me that You did … Read more