Most Beloved Savior, You’ve told me that if I remain carnally minded it will lead to death but, if I became spiritually minded, it will lead to life and peace. If I allow my mind to remain carnal, it is in rebellion to Your will and will not subject itself to You. So, if I choose to live according to my fleshly desires, it becomes impossible to please You. For when I follow the leadings of my flesh, it produces sin and a reprobate mind but, if I yield to the leading of the Holy Spirit, I will find the pathway to righteous living with its many benefits. When I choose to befriend the world, I make myself an enemy by not heeding Your instructions and disobeying Your commands. When I accept the philosophies of the world as my own and hold them in high esteem, I reject the things that are really important to my life … choosing death over life … curses over blessings … confusion over a sound mind … and failure over success.
When I give myself to You and allow the Holy Spirit to reshape and renew my thinking process to align with Your will, I begin to see things through Your eyes and begin to act as You would act. You are good and perfect in all of Your ways and I want to be like You. You can help me by changing the way I see things and respond to them. Because You want what is best for me, I should joyfully submit to You and start living a sacrificial life of dying to self. Your calling is one that demands I do not conform to the ways of the world and, instead, begin thinking as You think. Worldly ways must become off-limits to me and I should fill a portion of every day with prayer and reading Your Word. Through meditation and study … the principles, concepts and patterns of living … must become firmly implanted in my being. Only when the Holy Spirit reeducates and redirects my thinking can I be transformed into Your image.
What I am beginning to realize is that, if I change the way I look at things, the way I see things will change. Seeing through Your eyes, developing Your frame of reference and plugging into Your wisdom shines a light on how I should live … by-passing the limitations of the natural and catapulting me into the spiritual realm where the impossible becomes possible. Where mountains get tossed into the sea … light shines into the darkness … the sick are healed … and, love covers a multitude of my sins. Through Your eyes, I am able to see forgiveness instead of vengeance … peace instead of turmoil … joy instead of sadness … and, giving as better than receiving. As I get to know You better, I am learning more about Your ways and it’s all starting to make sense. As each day goes by spent with You, I find myself changing my mind about a lot of things and that feels really good. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
Colossians 3:2 Set your mind on the things above, not on the things of the earth.