Praise to You, My Lord, who judges me fairly and gives me credit when I do good. In the same way that You do not find fault with me … help me resist finding fault in myself and with others. Help me hold my tongue until I have something worth saying. I want to learn how to become a good listener like You, so show me how to remain silent when others have something to say. Help me reframe from arguing because it causes me to close my heart to those with whom I am arguing. I want to practice balance in my life because too many irons in the fire keeps me from giving proper attention to the things that matter … and, I do not want to overlook devoting time to things that are truly relevant to my life. Help me accept the fact that I am not superman … believing I am able to lift any load that comes across my path … when in reality, I lack the strength to accomplish the really tough things that need my attention. I never want to lose sight of the fact that You are my ever-present source of help in times of need. And, while You encourage me to bear my neighbors burdens, it should only be the ones that You instruct me to take up.
In my life, I’ve come to realize that You have power over all things … life and death, wealth and poverty, blessings and curses. And every good thing that comes to me is through Your mercy and grace. Your rewards are the result of my diligence and self-denial. When I am weary, I find rest in You … when I am filled with doubt, I find renewed faith in You … when I have needs, I find my supply in You … and, when I am sick, I find good health in You. In the same way that You stand by Your Word and do it, I want to be true to my word and honor it at all cost. I promise to strive to keep my focus on You and not grumble when I do not get what I want or things don’t go my way. For I know that You reward those who diligently seek You.
I trust that You know my needs even before I identify them to You and You have a plan to supply them before I even ask. I know that in Your hands I will flourish and circumstances will not overwhelm me. Because of the blessings and joy that You provide, I know they will minimize the setbacks and hardships that occur in my life thereby helping me focus on my path forward. I am encouraged by Your assurance that Your yolk is sweet and Your burden is light … reminding me that my tests will be measured against my faith and strength to determine what I can handle. The suffering I am called to undergo pales in comparison with the sufferings that You endured for me … and, I trust that in whatever trials I face, if I cannot manage them, You will supply me with a way out. As I walk with You, I know I will become better equipped to choose the right way to go so long as I continue in prayer, give careful thought to my actions and approach my circumstances with caution. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
Proverbs 3:6 In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make straight your paths.