Most Loving Savior, in the Gospel of Luke Your visit to the village of Martha and Mary is recorded. They opened their home to You and Martha took on doing house chores while Mary sat at Your feet. Martha complained to You that Mary had left all the work to her to do. Your answer was “Martha, Martha you are worried and upset about many things, but only one is needed. Mary had chosen “the better.” They were both trying to serve You. But Martha thought that Mary’s way was inferior to hers. What Martha did not see was that in her desire to do, she was neglecting her guest. You did not blame Martha for being concerned about the chores that needed to be done. You were only pointing out that Mary had chosen what You knew “was better” … to be attentive to her guest. This story has meaning for me today because I do not prioritize my relationship with You as I should.
Many times, I get busy doing things and neglect spending an appropriate amount of time sitting at Your feet. In the story of Martha and Mary, You are asking me to check my priorities and put them in the appropriate order. So often my days degenerate into a lot of busy work and there is no time left for devotion to You. And it’s not only “work” that occupies my time. It’s checking my cell phone and emails, watching hours of TV, playing video games, going to the health club several days a week that consumes vast amounts of time which leaves little time for You. However, my experience is that time spent with You is invaluable in changing my life to be more like Yours. In times together, You teach me the meanings of the truths in the Scriptures … You help me to understand how to implement Your ways into my life … and I get to share my questions, problems, and emotions with You.
By choosing to prioritize my time with You, I am allowing Your love free reign in my life, and I feel safe from all that’s going on around me. In community with You, I find tenderness, forgiveness, humility, hope, and a strong foundation upon which to build my life. In our times together, I hear the Scriptures speaking to me, I am shown the way to walk in my newness of life, and I am emboldened to become a witness for You. In Your presence I find the peace and rest I need to start over anew each day. In our times together, I feel You reaching out to me and pointing out the direction I should go. I am learning that service to You begins with me getting quiet and really stopping to listen. Getting caught up in the minutia of daily life causes me to forget my main reason for having You in my life. I must remember that as a disciple I must “chose the better thing.” And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
Luke 10:41 “Martha, Martha,” the Lord answered, “you are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.”