O Christ My King, I sometimes find myself overwhelmed at the thought of You as the divine personality who came to earth to share Your words, character, deeds and suffering with me as Lord and King. It is amazing to me that, as a person of royalty, You would humble Yourself to become a part of Your own creation in order to save it from our sin. We are the ones who committed the sins and we should be the ones to pay the price for them. Kings wear crowns of gold and royal robes of finest cloth, but Your crown was made of thorns and Your robe was a cross. Kings sit in luxury with servants waiting on them. You, on the other hand, gave up all Your comforts and position to become a sacrificial servant to Your own. The Bible tells me that You were anointed of God as a Prophet, Priest and King. To fulfill these roles, You left Your high estate to go about doing good and healing those oppressed of the Devil.
In honor of Your kingship, the Bible states that at the very mention of Your name every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that You are Lord and King. As an heir of David, his throne was Yours to rightfully fill. Your whole life was devoted to demonstrating You were Your people’s King. You were born a King …came into the world as a King … was rejected as a King … died as a King … and, You will come again in the last days to rule and reign as a King. You are king with a kingdom and we are Your servants who live to serve Your pleasure. As My King, I’ve made You my leader and, through Your limitless power, all of my enemies are subdued. You have elevated my position by making me a joint-heir with You. You fill a vital role in my life … leading me in paths of righteousness … teaching me the things I need to be a success … and, freeing me from the hold of sin and death.
In the same way that Your people sought an earthly king to lead them into battle against their enemies and execute judgement and justice, I too need a king like You to show me how to triumph over my own selfishness and the enemies of my soul. I need You to show me how to exercise good judgement in making choices. As my Commander in Chief, I look to You to lead me into battle against my enemies … convict me when I go wrong … and, show me the ways I should live. As My Lord and King, I owe You respect and obedience. In the same way that You were set aside as a consecrated and anointed ruler, so You have called me to rule and reign with You. You sit on the throne of Your Kingdom and ask me to join You as a part of it. As a result, I freely choose You and praise You as My King. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
Isaiah 45:23 As surely as I live, says the Lord, every knee shall bow before me; and, every tongue will acknowledge me.