My Gracious Savior, You have fulfilled the will of Your Heavenly Father by assuming the role of High Priest and Perfect Sacrifice. You qualify as the Perfect Sacrifice because You are holy, blameless, pure, chosen and highly exalted. Unlike the High Priests of the Old Testament, You do not need to offer sacrifices for Your own sins and those of the people. You offered the sacrifice of Yourself once for the sins of all. Through You, the role of High Priest is no longer founded on the weakness of man, but is established in You who is perfect. As a result of Your coming to earth, there is no longer a need for an annual sacrifice for the forgiveness of sins because the sacrifice of Yourself was perfect and complete. While the High Priest entered the Most High Place once a year offering the blood of sacrificed animals, You entered it and offered Your sinless blood to obtain eternal redemption for all.
You became man in order to die and rise again to destroy the devil’s power. Through Your death and resurrection, I’ve been set free from the fear of death plus You’ve opened the doorway to eternal life to me. Under the Old Testament, the High Priest was the mediator between God and man. His job was to offer sacrifices and intercede with Your Father for the forgiveness of sins. You came and fulfilled the role through a single sacrifice of Yourself. Once and for all times, You paid the price for my sins by Your death and, in so doing, restored my broken relationship with Your Father. When I commit myself totally to You and trust completely in what You’ve done for me, I am released from the dominion of sin. I have the assurance of my salvation because You now sit at the right hand of Your Father making intercession for me.
No one can take upon himself the honor of High Priest … it must be given by God. You did not take it upon Yourself to become a High Priest, but it was Your Father who gave You the position when He said “You are my Son, today I have become Your Father. You are a priest forever in the order of Melchizedek (Psalm 110:4).” You were chosen and called of God. And, although You were the Son, You learned obedience from what You suffered and, once You had achieved the goal for which You had been sent, You became the source of eternal salvation to all who would accept and obey You. As a human being, You experienced the full range of temptation throughout Your life. I can now take comfort in the fact that You faced temptations and overcame them … so can I. I rejoice in the fact that You are my High Priest and offering who has saved me form eternal damnation. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
Hebrews 10:19-22 Therefore, brothers, since we have confidence to enter the Most Holy Place by the blood of Jesus, by a new living way, opened to us through the curtain, that is, His body, and since we have a great High Priest over the house of God, let us draw near to God with a sincere heart …