Most Beloved Son of God, You’ve invited me to come to You if I was weary and burdened and You would give me rest. You also told me that You were the light of the world and, if I followed You, I would never walk in darkness. From these statements, I feel like You were offering me the opportunity to leave the torments of darkness and come into the light of Your trusted counsel and a life filled with blessings. As a result, I am beginning to realize my calling out of darkness into Your wonderful light. To me, light represents what is good, holy and pure. When You tell me that You are light, I take it to mean that You are holy, Your words are truthful and You are the one to guide me out of chaos and sin. Your light exposes all things … what is good and what is evil. Just as darkness cannot exist in the presence of light … so sin cannot go unexposed by light. In the light, I can see what I am doing and make good choices.
It is Your life that has brought light into my life. Your light exposes evil and I am fearful of what it will reveal in me … mainly because I’m not sure I can muster the courage and strength to change. In Your light, I am able to see myself as I really am (a sinner who needs a Savior). When I choose to follow You, I avoid walking around blindly and falling into the traps set by my enemies. Your light shining before me shows me the way to live uprightly and how to reap Your rewards. Your light pushes the darkness aside so I can see clearly and make good decisions. Rather than succumb to discouragement, chaos and indecisiveness, I must pray and look to You for my direction and the answers I need. By following in Your footsteps, I’ve found that living in light is better than struggling in darkness. In Your light, I am reminded to remain alert and self-controlled so that the slumber of darkness doesn’t slip in.
My eyes are lamps to my body. Through my spiritual eyes, I have begun to understand Your truth and gain insights into enhancing my life. Evil in my life makes my spiritual eyes less sensitive and blots out the light of truth. You were sent to earth to open my eyes to the evil that envelops me and turn me from darkness to light and from the power of sin to You. Your purpose was to show me the way to repentance and forgiveness for my sins and to find a place among the elect. As a “child of light”, my actions should reflect the faith I have in You. I should live beyond approach so I can reflect Your goodness to others. Your light represents Your presence, protection and guidance for my life. As I follow You, I am being lead out of the darkness where sin has kept me captive. That is why it is critical that I accept Your offer to come into the light. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
John 8:12 “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but have the light of life.”