My Dependence Is On You

Most Compassionate Lord, You have promised me that if I put my trust in You I will never be forgotten or abandoned. You have proven Yourself faithful to Your people and stand by them in all things. When people I trust let me down, I know that I have You to look after my well-being. As I listen to and obey Your commands, I believe that I will find favor in Your sight, and I know that I can count on You through thick or thin. You have promised to stand with me and You’d never let my life become empty or hopeless. Through You, I believe that I am an heir to prosperity, peace, love and protection. You are delighted when I pay attention to what You are teaching me and I go out and do it. I must never forget that when I become burdened I can cast all of my cares on You because You care for me. When I am able to release things into Your hands, worry has no place in my life and I experience true freedom.

I have seen many things in my years and this I can attest to … I have never seen the righteous forsaken nor their needs go unmet. For You are a merciful God who shows much patience and perseverance with my many short comings. I believe, like in the story of the Shepherd and his flock, that when I stray You leave behind the other 99 believers and come searching for me in order to bring me back into the protection of Your fold. Never do I recall ever lacking in anything that You did not replenish. As I have been able to see my short comings and work with You to change them, I’ve seen Your blessing poured out on me. You have pledged Your undying love, Your provision in my times of need and Your compassion when I am suffering. When I call out to You, You are always there. And, when I find myself in trouble, You always come to deliver me. My hope rests with You alone.

Will a loving mother abandon the child of her womb? Neither do I believe that You will abandon me. You have written a letter of love upon my heart and I have dedicated myself to Your service. As a groom pledges his life to his bride, so do I pledge my life to You. I will never become cast down because I know You are faithful to keep Your promises and provide me with opportunities for a better life. You have instructed me to live courageously … and not become afraid or frightened … because You will be with me all the way. You’re the one who goes with me everywhere I go, and You will always be diligent to watch over me. You are the steadfast Rock upon which I have chosen to build my life. The waves of adversity will not shake my foundation. I am comforted in the thought that You are my Dependable Source and I will forever be Yours. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!

Deuteronomy 31:6 He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you.

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