I praise and thank You, My Lord, for You have not called me to be mediocre but exceptional. Words such as average, second-rate or ordinary were never created to describe me as Your child. I am a King’s kid destined for greatness, holiness, power and wisdom. Commoner was the name I bore before coming to You and leaving my sinfulness behind. “Can’t” has been replaced with “can do” in my vocabulary since I’ve been anointed with Your power and the wonder of Your grace. Doing okay is no longer acceptable … I want to be a winner, a champion and one who is triumphant in all that he does. I want to outdo today what I did yesterday and I want to outdo tomorrow what I do today. You have created me special (with unique talents and abilities) so that I could help advance Your Kingdom. I want to exceed the level that most people settle for in character, truth, effort and joy. Just getting by is no longer a part of my life because I am now shooting for the higher mark You have set for me.
As I run my race, my goal is not to just finish … instead, I want to be a winner. When battling my sins and temptations, I want to be victorious and defeat them through the righteousness and power that You supply. As I struggle with the burdens of life, I want to be greater than them knowing that You in me is greater than anything I face. You not only want me to be a conqueror but, through Your grace, become more than a conqueror. Your hope for me is that I will reach higher to accept the promise of Your calling on my life. I can never become complacent or satisfied with where I am. Like an Olympian, I must put forth the effort, training and sacrifice to become my best. I want my aspiration and reach for a higher plain to emulate You … not a little of You, but a lot more. I no longer want to sin a little … instead, I want to become much holier. As I move forward, I will strive to focus on You and count on Your guidance to help me achieve the goals You’ve set for me.
I cannot stand the thought of being a second-rate citizen in Your Kingdom. I do not want to be lukewarm in my faith for fear of being spit out. I do not want to take my eyes off of You and accept mediocrity because the world convinces me that my load is too heavy … instead, I want to focus on Your promise which assures me that, through Your mercy and love, the yoke I bear is sweet and the burden I carry is light. I must never forget that every obstacle placed in my path is only a pebble to be cast into the sea through Your mighty power. I can never be satisfied in my relationship with You because there is so much more to learn about You. I know I can never out give You, but I want to give more than I’m giving now. I can never be holier than You, but I want to learn how to be holy as You are holy. You have not called me to be a pawn in the hands of others or my circumstances … instead, You have called me to come up higher … so here I come, Lord. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
Romans 8:37 … in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him that loved us.