My Powerful Defender, I live in a world that challenges my well-being every day. An earthquake shakes the very foundation of my security. A tornado or hurricane can blow away the treasures of a lifetime. A bullet can take away my life in an instant. A drunk driver can turn me into an innocent victim. A divorce shatters the very foundation of a family. The world that I live in is a fearful place to live. Overflowing evil is seemingly everywhere and out of control. This litany of potential events could cause me to think that You are not interested or do not care how pervasive evil is in the world. If I believe this is true my faith could wane and I could call into question all that I’ve learned about You. However, I am reminded that instead of giving up I must hold fast to You and my faith. Despite everything I face, I must continue to acknowledge Your sovereignty and the fact You have a plan for dealing with everything in my life.
I believe that You are all-knowing and the one who controls all things. You overcome evil and no one is exempt. The hope I maintain is that You will deliver me as I faithfully follow Your lead. I can remain confident that my faith is secure because my future is secure in You. I must be brave and put my faith totally in You. I must not yield to the pressures of life knowing I am living out Your purpose for me. Trusting and obeying in You alone is what helps me fulfill that purpose. When I do this, I can maintain my direction and peace regardless of my circumstances. My first allegiance must be to You. My life will be fulfilling when I can remove selfishness and pride from my life, remain persistent in prayer, and stay disinterested in power for personal gain. To be successful in life, I must handle my affairs with integrity and serve You willingly wherever You put me.
I am thankful that You care for me and deal patiently with me. I am far from perfect but You give me multiple chances to perfect myself. I understand that I must place my trust in You because You promise to be there for me in all things. Since You remain faithful to me I must remain faithful to You. I want the kind of faith that allows me to be courageous and brave each day. A heart with such courage comes from trusting that You are in control and stand with me. This does not mean I will never encounter my share of difficulties but such trust assures me that I will be able to persevere through them. The word that comes to mind is “resolve”. And that’s what I will possess if I am sold out to Your ways and follow through life the way You want me to go. I must be willing to live with a determination to do what is right and not give in to the pressures around me. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
Luke 10:27 He answered, “Love the Lord Your God with all your heart, and with all your souls, and with all your strength, and with all your mind.