As surely as the sun rises in the East and sets in the West, so is Your faithfulness to Your people. And Your Word, like You, is faithful to edify, correct, encourage and train me in the ways of becoming more like You. When for generations, Your people could not grasp the spirit of Your statutes and ordinances, choosing instead to become entangled in legalism, You sent Your Living Word to dwell among us. Because of the vastness of Your love, You sent Your Son to be my personal tutor to show me the way to walk uprightly. His teachings are a road map by which I am to navigate my life. His example was a witness to the fact that good can prevail against evil. By renewing my mind with Your Word, I expand my ability to make good choices. Instead of floundering in the darkness, I receive the benefit of Your light which brings forth the faith that enables me to lead a victorious life.
Praise and thanks be to You, My King, that through Your Word, I have been given the ingredients for a productive life. Whenever I read Your Word, or I’m instructed in it, the choices I make from receiving it, embracing it and utilizing it expands my growth in faith. When I harden my heart to Your instruction or I do not respond to the conviction of Your warnings, Your truth is made vulnerable to the forces of evil who would snatch it away. When I receive Your Word on a “let me give it a try” basis and it does not work out like I think it should, my faith withers away. Whatever glimmer of faith that springs to life dies as a result of disillusionment and disappointment. When I hear Your Word and receive it, but the issues and cares of life keep me from nurturing and maturing in it, the faith born in my heart is choked and dies due to neglect. My fate is no better than when I started out. But when my heart is sincere and in tune with what You are saying … I hunger and thirst for righteousness … I am committed to reading and studying Your Word in order to apply it to my life … then, and only then, do the ingredients for a successful walk come together to produce the power that propels me to an increase (in the good You want me to do) of 30, 60 or 100 fold.
O Precious Lord, help me never lose sight of the awesome gift of Your Word which You sent to illuminate my life. For it is powerful and able to help me in defeating my enemies … setting my captive heart free … and, producing a bounteous return in my life. Let the brilliance of Your light cause my darkness to flee and generate within me the faith I will use to overcome the obstacles in my life. I know that by continuing in Your Word I will be changed into the image of who You are and produce victories for my life. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
John 8:31 Jesus said, “If you continue in my words, you are my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”