Gracious Lord, since the Garden of Eden, the Devil has been working diligently to thwart Your message of salvation and deliverance from his power. Satan’s focus has been, and continues to be, the ensnarement of humanity in his web of deceptions. He has modified his message for the times and cultures he works in, but his strategy has remained the same … disconnecting us from our tethering to You and leading us down the road to destruction. He consistently endeavors to make me doubt Your Word. If he can get me to question the accuracy, meaning or authenticity of Your Word, then I begin sliding down a slippery slope that gives him power over my life and separates me from You. His aim is to cause me to doubt Your Word thus releasing me from the anchor that has maintained my balance and rationality. When I lose faith in Your ability and desire to help me, I become trapped in a pit from which it is very hard to escape.
Another tactic he uses effectively on me is fear and worry. When these demons torment me, I panic … lose focus … and, become paralyzed. Fear and worry take over my life when I question whether You hear my prayers or care about what is happening to me. Their goal is to create a cloud of doubt that brings in darkness and prevents Your light from showing me a way forward. What it takes to escape the hold of fear and worry is the exercise of the measure of faith that You’ve placed in me. If I can believe that You are God and are in control … that Your goal is to deliver me from the bondage of sin so I can walk in freedom from its power … that You love me enough to die for my sins so I do not have to suffer their consequences … and, that Your Word is true and I can count on it at all times … then surely, I will see a break in the clouds of darkness that surrounds me and begin to feel my way back to Your light.
In Your Word, You encourage me to “Put on the full armor of God so that I can stand against the Devil’s schemes.” In order to stand against them, I must depend on Your strength and utilize every tool You’ve provided to attain victory. If I am armed with truth … remain in right standing with You … rest on the assurance of your help and the peace that ungirds my strength … remind myself of the times You’ve delivered me from trouble … and rely on the power provided by the Holy Spirit … I know I will become a conqueror in all things. To be truly successful, I must humble myself before You, cast all my cares on You and be in self-control/alert at all times. If I do these things, I know I’ll be able to counter the strategies of Satan. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
Ephesians 6:10-11 Be strong in the Lord and His mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the Devil’s schemes.
Beautifully stated.