Most Loving God, You’ve promised that You’d go before me wherever my life might lead. You’ve also assured me that You’d never leave me nor forsake me. Because of Your promises, I will not become frightened or discouraged. Whenever problems, issues or circumstances try to steal my hope and joy … I will continue to rely on You and Your Word to guide me through the maze. I know that my courage and strength are anchored in my trust and faith in You. In the past, You’ve been faithful and ready to help me through my most difficult struggles. My battle cry has become “if God be for me … who can be against me?” Your counsel has been to be strong and brave and do what is right. Discouragement and hopelessness seem to flee whenever I am close to You because You mean what You say and You never fail to do it.
I believe it when You say that You have not given me a spirit of fear; instead, it is one of power, love and a sound mind. When I face challenges, You instruct me to be alert so I can detect my enemy’s deceptions and stand my ground whenever he attacks … knowing that You will be there to strengthen me. I could never withstand the many pressures that tests and trials place upon my life if I had to stand alone. However, with You standing with me, I’ve weathered every storm. You encourage me in my difficult times to “not be afraid … only believe.” Great strength and courage are possible when I possess a deep faith that abides in Your love and believes that You want to help me through my trials. I am confident that, with You guiding me in truth and showing me how to walk in victory, my needs will be met. I know that no matter what I face, You will give me the courage to face it.
Experience has taught me that, in times of trouble, You give me the courage that helps me prevail in dealing with it. Your Word is filled with assurances of Your desire to aid and strengthen me. Therefore, there is no place in my heart for fear and worry … only hope and peace. As much as I try to put off facing challenges, I know that I must tackle them head on and trust that You have my back. My faith helps me realize that while I walk in the shadow of calamity and disaster each day … just around the corner is a land of milk and honey. If I rely on myself, I will surely fail. However, if I rely on Your wisdom and resources in my times of trouble, I’ll be able to stand my ground. Help me ignore the deceptions of my enemy which cause me to fear and shrink back from doing what is right. You alone possess the solutions that can get me through my hard times. I know that to be successful in life, I must take along courage for my journey. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
Psalm 118:6 The Lord is with me; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?