Created, Chosen and Cared For

Most Gracious Savior, You are my Creator and the One who formed me in my mother’s womb. You know everything about me … even the number of hairs on my head. You have told me to “Fear not, for I have redeemed you and summoned you by name … I am your God.” No matter what I face or what may come upon me, You have promised to keep me free of any repercussions. Floods will not wash away nor fires destroy what You have given to me because You are the Lord God Almighty who provides me with cover and protection. I believe that You treasure me and find me precious since Your love is unconditional. You have exchanged Your life for mine because I have committed myself to You and Your ways. Repeatedly, You have assured me not to be afraid because I am never alone … You are with me. I was created for Your glory and chosen to bear Your name, which I do gladly.

I rejoice in the fact that while I was still blind You opened my eyes so I could see Your will and Your ways. You have also opened my ears so I can hear You when You speak and then do what you’ve asked me to do. I want Your goodness and love to emanate from me as a witness to others regarding the reality of who You are. You have chosen me to be Your representative and to help others find their way out of darkness into Your marvelous light. Apart from You, there is no salvation through worldly counterfeits who claim to be a god. I know in my heart that there are no other gods like You who reign in justice, righteousness, and power. No one can take me from Your hand because You watch over me day and night. You seek those who are humble and strike down those who are prideful. You reward those who follow You and leave all others to their own designs.

You’ve asked me to put aside the things of the past and move forward with You. I rejoice that You are doing a “new thing” in my life that will lead me to prosperity and growth. You are expanding my heart to believe that all things are possible to You and, in turn, possible for me. Whenever my path becomes filled with roadblocks, You make a way for me to continue moving forward. You supply all the things I need to be successful and at peace with my life. I understand that You no longer want animal sacrifices and, instead, You want me to become a “living sacrifice” offering myself to You. Only someone as kind and loving as You could blot out my transgressions and remember them no more … if I truly repent. I rejoice in the fact that You made me, chose me, and will help me any time I have a need. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!

Isaiah 43:11-12 “I, even I, am the Lord and apart from me there is no Savior. I have revealed and saved and proclaimed that I am not a foreign god. You are my witnesses” declares the Lord “that I am God.”

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