I am grateful, O God of Abundance, that You have called me to be a tiller in the garden of life. From the very beginning, You took man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work and care for it. I believe that if I tend and care for the gifts You give to me they will produce a bounteous harvest in my life. The roll of a tiller lays out for me a blueprint of how I should approach my life. It begins with clearing out all of the unwanted and unproductive clutter that thwarts my growth in You; then, comes the planting of seeds of faith that will produce good in my future; next, I must watch over the new sprouts with tenderness and the hope of a bountiful harvest; and finally, reap my harvest of the fruit that will nourish me and add abundance to my life. If I accept the help of the Holy Spirit in pruning away the unproductive growth in my life, room will be made for new growth and an overflowing harvest.
I have come to realize that as a sower I need good seed and that comes from Your Word. In the parable of the sower, You have shown me the way to a bountiful harvest. In sowing, I must take care to not throw my seed (Your Word) into places where it cannot grow. For if I hear Your Word, but do not study it and put it to work in my life, then the Devil will come and steal it so that no good will come to fruition. And if I hear The Word and do not become a doer, then my faith will have no roots and will soon dry up and die. And if I listen to Your Word but, let anxiety and the pleasures of the world to overtake my life, then the truth is choked out. However, if I listen to The Word, meditate on it, study it, let it take hold in my life and endure until fruit is produced, then good will mature into a bounteous harvest of blessings. Help me not waste my time and, thereby, delay the growth of Your Word in the good soil of my heart.
In one’s life, there are many forces that must come together to cause a garden to grow, flourish and produce a bountiful harvest. There is sowing, fertilizing and watering that’s needed to bring about a harvest. In sowing, You have taught me that if I sow sparingly, then I will reap sparingly. And, if I sow in righteousness, I will reap in mercy. And if I sow in tears, then in joy will my efforts be made worthwhile. I long to drink of the water that You promised will cause me to never thirst again because it comes from the well of eternal life. For the water You offer provides true refreshing. And I should not deceive myself … a man reaps what he sows. If I sow to please my sinful nature, I will reap destruction. If I sow to the Holy Spirit, I will reap of Your goodness. And like You, the nourishment I desire from the harvest of my garden is to do the will of Him who sent You. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
Genesis 2:15 The Lord took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it.