O Glorious Savior, I know that if I keep my eyes on You, You’ll perfect my faith and help me to become more like You. And, if I follow Your example, I will learn the way of unselfish giving and selfless service to others. Learning to move in step with You requires ignoring the thoughts that try to make me see that trying to be like You is a risky proposition. Peter walked on the water by faith and began to sink when he took his eyes off of You … this is a lesson I dare not forget. I’m sure that on many an occasion You’ve called me to “come forth” but I froze in the face of fear and the unknown. What I must always try to remember is that even when Peter’s faith failed him, You did not. You lifted him out of the water and led him safely back into the boat. My heart’s desire is to respond to You without doubting. So, I’m asking for courage to step out into the waters of life whenever You call.
I’ve come to understand that giving my life to You entails complete trust and a willingness to go unquestioningly wherever You send me. In following my faith, You will show me how to go about doing Your pleasure. I know that there is no water deep enough … no mountain too high … that can prevent me from achieving what You send me to do, if I maintain my trust in You. Over and over again, You’ve shown me examples in Your Word where the impossible has been overcome by the possible through a belief in You. I am encouraged by Your promise that assures me You will never allow me to be tested beyond what I can stand and, if circumstances come to overwhelm me, You will provide a way out … or, a way back to safety the way You led Peter back to the boat. Before I question whether to put my trust in You, I must remember that You first trusted me by giving me a free will and the freedom to choose.
I know that each day You give me the privilege of choice … to choose more of You or more for myself. I can view life through a lens that emphasizes gloom and negativity where fear and worry dwell … or, I can look through a lens which assures me that if You are with me things will go well and problems will be solved. Circumstances beyond my control are going to happen, but that does not excuse me from believing in You and Your power to rescue me. When I face a challenge, I must do what I can to deal with it, pray for Your guidance and seek Your solution. Pain and suffering exist in the world, but fleeing from You and failing to trust in Your guidance is not the way to go. Create in me a joy that comes from unquestioning obedience and loyalty to You. As I begin each day, help me trust You with every aspect of my life … then things will go better for me. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
Proverbs 30:5 Every word of God is flawless; He is a shield to those who put their trust in Him.