O Peace Loving Savior, I feel the most comfortable when I can plan my future and look forward with hope. I enjoy the freedom that comes from overcoming future difficulties with planning and foresight. However, I tend to despair, grow anxious and become fearful when I come upon situations that seem to have no solutions. When I can no longer foresee a prosperous future, the clouds of doom move in. Under its influence, it is easier for my enemies to subvert my thinking and lead me into a perpetual maze of confusion and doubt. I know that when I get to feeling this way, it’s crucial for me to fight back and resist falling into the clutches of desperation and hopelessness. It is important that I do not get diverted from the path upon which You have placed me nor be deceived into believing false truths. At these times, I must cling to You as though my life depended on it … because it does.
I must begin by resisting false doctrines and alternatives that seek a place higher than Your truths. If the way I am being drawn does not align with Your Word, then I’m about to put my life on a path leading in the wrong direction. I must not put my trust in worldly logic and reasoning because they lead me away from You to the god of “self”. False doctrines and philosophies which appeal to my logic take me away from You and Your loving care. I must get myself into the habit of “checking out” everything I hear or read. If its source is a trusted Christian or aligns itself with Your Word, it brings me light and leads to abundance. If I find that they are rooted in worldly thinking and patterns, I must avoid them because they lead to sorrow and loss. I must never put my trust in worldly ways because they are not dependable nor provide a lasting foundation on which to build.
I cannot escape my struggles and problems by constructing my own reality that avoids dealing with them. Blaming others and trying to fit what I am doing into a belief system that excuses it or asks “did God really mean that” only leads me to a life filled with fear, anxiety and despair. Often I try to ignore or avoid things I cannot control. This is the “coward’s” way out. I must face up to Your reality which calls a sin a sin, demands repentance and requires obedience. To follow a worldly blueprint instead of Yours is a waste of my time and energy. My search for an alternative apart from You has its origins in my discontent, but I must respond to Your calling and Your way regardless of how I feel. As I strive for a deeper walk with You, I know it will help me in avoiding the effects of fear, anxiety and despair. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
John 16:33 In this world you will have troubles. But be encouraged! I have overcome the world.