My Cherished Savior, I wait patiently for You because I believe that You have heard my cries and are motivated to act on my behalf. I only need to reflect on the many times You lifted the crushing weight of circumstances off my shoulders to realize You care deeply for me. You have given my shaky legs strength and placed me on a solid foundation on which I can stand firm. When my spirit sags, You place a song in my heart to lift me up. I feel so blessed to have decided to trust You with my life. You have helped me turn aside from false gods and have shown me a better way. Over time You have done many wonders for the world and now Your desire is to show Yourself and Your power to me. The things You plan for me are unique and require that I be both attentive and obedient. Worldly sacrifices and offerings You do not desire … it is my complete dedication to You that pleases You the most.
Your desire is to hear me say “Here I am Lord; I have come to do whatever You command.” To fulfill this commitment, I must do what You ask and not become distracted from the path You have established for my life. My desire is to proclaim Your name to everyone I meet with the hope that the Holy Spirit will draw them to You as He did me. I will not shrink from living out the things You have taught me. I know that my salvation depends on fulfilling my commitment to love and obey You. My desire is that Your love and wisdom shine out through my life in the same way that Your light shined into mine. I count on Your everlasting love and faithfulness to keep me safe and protected. When trouble surrounds me, sin comes to overtake me and my path forward becomes cloudy, I am counting on You to rescue me and guide me out of the fog.
Come quickly to help me when adversity comes to overtake my life. You are my refuge and place of safety. Put my enemies to shame and put a crown upon my head. I am overjoyed to be Yours and I rejoice in putting my trust in You. I accept the fact that I am weak and needy, but I have come to realize that my hope and help come from You. I know that as I wait patiently You will lift me out of despair, provide me with sound resolutions for my problems, provide the confidence I need to stand against my enemies and give me joy to overcome my restlessness. The best of Your blessings come through patient, persevering trust in You. In the same way that You obeyed and served the will of Your Father, I want to obey and serve You. The things I do are meaningless unless they are ordered of You. To ensure a fulfilling life, I must make sure that I am in step with Your will. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
I Samuel 15:22 To obey is better than sacrifice and to heed is better than the fat of rams.