My Beloved Savior, I am keenly aware of the painstaking steps You’ve taken to insure that I will be a winner. Saved from the fires of Hell … having all of my needs met … being given a purpose for my life … You’ve done it all. Through the person of the Holy Spirit, You give me guidance and counsel. If I stumble, You are there to pick me up. When I am weak, it is Your strength that helps me overcome. When I am discouraged and want to give up, You encourage me to endure and persevere. Help me never forget that You are always available … so forgiving … and, desirous to be my help in times of need. Too often my pride, guilt or feelings of unworthiness keep me from running directly to You … confessing my shortcomings … and, seeking Your help. Your relationship with me causes You to look past my failures and see me as a beloved piece of Your Kingdom.
I bask in the joy of knowing that You love me and have given me a new life through the shedding of Your blood. While I may be the lowest man on the totem pole, I know that I am of great importance to You and a necessary part of Your plan. You’ve made Your intentions known relative to my place in Your hierarchy when you said “If anyone desires to be first, he must be last of all and servant of all.” Therefore, it is evident to me by these words that You are not a respecter of persons … you love us all … even the lowest. Your words reassure me that everyone who commits their lives to You will be an important part of what You want achieved on earth, regardless of their position among men. It is another way of confirming that You will stick with those who love You, not based on their position, but what they’ve done for You. I am so thankful that You see me through eyes that esteem me as a precious part of Your creation upon whom You want to bestow Your love, joy and peace.
My Trusted Guardian, I ask You to fill me with Your goodness. I no longer want to languish in the hollow, empty feelings that the world has to offer. I love the comfort I find in Your words that ask “are you tired and worn out?” And after hearing my distress, You reply “Come to me. Leave Your cares behind and I will give You rest.” As I make the decision to walk with You and do the work You require, I am never shocked by how much You do in return for me. As I keep company with You, I’m learning to walk in the liberty of knowing that “everything” doesn’t depend on me. I’ve learned that when I stay close to You, You are faithful to show me how to get through my circumstances and enter Your rest. I am excited to know that You have a fulfilling and productive plan for my life. Every time I see a problem resolved successfully, I wonder how I could have made it without You? And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
Philippians 4:19 And my God will meet all of your needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus.