O Gracious Lord, I want to thank You for my gift of life and having You in it makes each day a blessing. The desire of my heart is to let You use each day to mold me and shape me into the person You intended me to be when I was born. What is exciting about each new day is the fact that it is filled with opportunities that weren’t there before. Like sand in an hour glass, the minutes of my life pass and cannot be renewed. Therefore, each one is important and I want them to amount to something worthwhile. I sometimes feel like there aren’t enough minutes in a day to do what needs to be done … but of this I am sure, I must take time out of each one to spend with You so that I can maintain balance in my life, put first things first and be content with the fact that I did the important things … even if I didn’t do everything I intended.
You are the Master of my days and the One who fills each one with wonder and joy. When I ponder the life that only You have to give, I know that I am glad to be a part of it. And, for the most part, my days are very good but when storm clouds come rolling in from out of nowhere … I cling to You and Your promises all the more. You have promised to be my anchor and I count on You for my stability. As My Good Shepherd, I know You will help me navigate the rough waters I face so that I can come out safely on the other side. As The Light of The World, You illuminate my darkness and cause me to see my way more clearly. You make Yourself available to share in both my joys and pains. This is why I find it so easy to praise You and make my needs known to you through daily prayer. In You I find the strength I need to be victorious regardless of the challenges that I face.
Today is the day that You have made, help me find reasons to rejoice and be glad it. I want to begin my day with joy in my heart and praise on my lips knowing You will share it with me and help me make good decisions along the way. With Your hand in mine, I feel confident all will go well and that You will protect me from harm. If I fail or fall, I know You will help me get back on my feet because You care deeply for me. Because I have given myself to You, I can trust You and Your Word to give me all of the help I’ll ever need. I know that You have a plan for my life, so I will be on the lookout for Your clues that are intended to help me know whether to turn to the right or left in accomplishing Your will for me. As a result of Your sacrifice on Calvary, my sins have been washed away … I am complete in You … I am at peace … and I am blessed. Each day I am blessed knowing … all is well … all is good … and, You are near. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
Psalm 2:7 I will proclaim the decree of the Lord: He said to me “You are my son; today I have become Your Father.”