Most Precious Lord, I know that the pathway that leads to You begins with my faith in You. Faith is nothing more than trust. Trust requires that I become obedient to Your commands and follow in Your footsteps. You have promised that, if I do these things, they will lead me to a successful and prosperous life. In You, I find my happiness, contentment and fulfillment. Obedience is not as easy as it sounds. So many things try to distance me from you and make me want to do things my way. Faith in You demands that my trust in You be at the center of all that I believe and do. Each day I am faced with the issue of what will be my priority. Is it You or something else? Is it You alone that I choose to serve? How I spend my money, time and what I think about tells me a lot about who/what is important to me. As I commit myself to prayer and the reading of Your Word, You become an ever increasing part of me.
I must not let anything come between us nor impede who You are trying to help me become. The Devil’s main purpose is to try and ruin my relationship with You. Rather than listen to him, I must seek the Holy Spirit to strengthen and encourage me. My eyes must be steadfastly focused on You, Your mission for my life and the guidance You supply through Your Word. You have said that what You are looking for are people who are willing to become living sacrifices. I know that I can fulfill Your call whenever I put away anything that stands between You and me. Help me see that You are real and allow You to become an active part of my life. Speak to my heart and I will be listening and ready to respond to Your call. My anthem will become “Here I am Lord!” I willingly lay down my life before You and want to become all that You had in mind when I was given life.
I secretly envy those who were able to walk with You on this earth. However, I’m realizing more each day that You continue to walk with me every day. The fact that I cannot see You with my natural eyes does not mean You are not with me. If I look carefully at what’s going on in my life, I cannot escape the fact that You are watching over me and guiding me in paths of righteousness. In the waters of Baptism, I am immersed in You. In Confirmation, the holy oil reminds me of the Holy Spirit running and coursing through my whole being. In Communion, my spirit man is fed and nourished by Your holiness. In attending church services, I am embedded among fellow believers who come to give You honor and praise. Unlike eating, I never get my fill of You. I live each day yearning to experience more of You. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. Amen!!
Romans 12:1 I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer Your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God – this is your spiritual act of worship.