My Wondrous Lord, help me continue to grow in becoming more like You as I become grounded and built up in Your righteousness and ways. Strengthen me in the faith that You teach me through Your Word. My heart overflows with gratitude for all of Your many benefits and blessings. I am pleased to know that You have made me complete in You. Because of Your sacrifice on Calvary, I have been freed from the power of sin and will be joining You in Heaven. In my newness of life, I know I can now be more earnest in my desire of becoming more like You. Because of Your work on the Cross, I have been made holy and blameless before Your Father. When I have You I have everything I need for a life filled with abundance and righteous living. I rejoice in the fact that You have rescued me from the dominion of darkness and brought me into Your marvelous light.
Words alone can never express the thankfulness that I feel about being the beneficiary of Your love and good gifts. I know that if I remain obedient and walk in Your ways that my life will be filled with contentment and peace. Since becoming Your child, I experienced the kindness You have shown to me through Your many benefits and blessings. What makes me so appreciative is the fact that they are totally unwarranted. Your gifts are not the result of things I’ve done to earn them. They are an expression of Your love to me the same way a parent gives unwarranted love and good things to their children. Because of Your favor, I sense a connection that confirms that You and I are one. Since being covered by You love, all my needs have been met and will continue to be met. Through You all things that were impossible to me in the past have been made possible through my faith in You.
The goodness You have brought to my life has endeared me to You and made me want to serve You with more fervor. Because You are faithful, righteous and just, I can be assured that You will judge me fairly and guide me in paths of righteous living. How priceless is Your love. May Your love and truth always be with me. David said in Your Word “Because Your love is better than life, I will glorify You.” It took me a while to get the full meaning of what he was saying. Now I see it as saying that You alone can satisfy my deepest longings … and, in the end, You will bring me to heaven to live with You in eternity. Both of those things are truly better than anything in life here on earth. No matter how difficult my life becomes, I have the assurance that You have an answer or blessing to meet every my need. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
Psalm 103:1-2 Praise the Lord, O my soul; and with my inmost being, praise His holy name. Praise the Lord, O my soul; and forget not His benefits.