Face to Face with Temptation

O God Most High, I am comforted to know that the temptations I face are not unique to me and are faced by all men.  I am reassured to know that You stand guard over me so that the tests I face do not overwhelm me.  To confound every temptation that the Devil puts in my path, You’ve promised that You will provide me with a way of escape.  Because You are faithful, I am able to stand fast and hold on when the fiery darts of my enemy are flung at me.  Since You came into the world as a mortal man, You can empathize with my weaknesses because You saw it among the people You dealt with.  You, unlike me, were tested in all things and did not sin.  My hope is that I can be like You.  Because I have You as my Advocate, I believe that if I confess my failings You will be compassionate and pour out Your mercy and grace over me.  Since You suffered and were tempted, I feel You can help me when I am tempted.

As a result of Your wisdom and experience here on earth, I believe You know every trick of the enemy and know how to deliver me from his deceptions.  I now feel that sin has no hold on me because I am a child of grace.  As I take Your Word to be my own, I am laying down a foundation that will help me resist the seductiveness of sin.  Unfortunately for me, there is no one to blame for the flaws in my character that allow me to succumb to my fleshly desires and my inability to resist.  I cannot hide my sins from You, so it is better for me to confess them and purpose in my heart to not repeat them.  When I confess my sins, I believe that You are faithful in forgiving me and the Holy Spirit cleansing the stains of my sins from my soul.  I am made snow white and ready to begin anew my pursuit of righteous living.  Because I submit to You and walk in Your power, I can stand up to the Devil and he will flee.

To resist the forces of evil, I must be aware of its tactics and watch vigilantly so I do not succumb to its enticements.  When I resist, I must stand on the truths You have revealed to me, trusting that You will do what You say You will do.  To be victorious, I must find my strength in You and Your awesome power.  I must put on the whole armor that You have provided for me to use when confronting the wiles of the Devil.  In particular, I must take up the Shield of Faith to protect myself from the fiery darts of the evil one and brandish the Sword of the Spirit to overwhelm him.  I must never forget that one of the reasons You came into the world was to show me how to overcome evil by drawing close to You who is able to destroy any weapon that will be used against me.  That’s why, when I come face to face with temptation, I will flee to You.  And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray.  AMEN!!

James 1:12 Blest is the man who endures temptation, for when he has been proved, he will receive the Crown of Life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him.

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